


1 year, 5 months ago


After the events of the burning circus. (Learn more in Ava’s story) Kai fled to the western side in sakura after getting separated from Sylvester and Michio. After the events that happened, Kai was heartbroken and paranoid. Thinking his sister and friends were all dead and that he was being hunted down. Worse, he thought his sister Ava, Was dead because of him. Kai was the only one who hesitated to escape the circus as he didn’t want anyone to get punished and tortured for trying to escape. But after the fire was set in the circus, Ava went back to save Kai and she was never seen again. Kai carried the guilt that he might have killed her and would do anything to have her back. Terrified that someone was hunting him and would take him back to the circus. Kai stayed hidden from anyone afraid of going back to the torture and abuse. That's when he found Chase and Arron. Chase and Arron found him when Kai was trying to steal food from a food cart. Feeling sorry for him, The two helped him out and even helped him run off without being caught. Chase noticed the strengths that Kai had. His ability to control metal and his sharp spiked tail were all dangerous features to have. Chase and Arron both thought that Kai could be useful to the team. Chase and Arron offered for him to join their gang so he didn’t have to be alone. Kai was hesitant, But seeing the other choice was to be alone and possibly starve to death he accepted. Kai tried not to, But he grew attached to the gang and was used to the robbing and outlaw life. But after the two betrayals that took place. Kai became paranoid that his gang might be falling apart. He tried his best to stay positive and optimistic about the situation, But he could tell that everyone was slowly growing more distant. Knowing he couldn’t do much broke Kai and brought him back to where his circus friends all fell apart. To make things worse, Max also couldn’t take the pain and left as well. This only made Kai more scared for the gang. He didn’t want to lose his family again, He wasn’t sure how he could deal with more loss. Although he’s still worried for them, Chase, Arron and Isabella promised that they won’t leave the gang. This made him a bit less worried and he still holds on to a little bit of hope everything will be fine. One day while exploring on his own, Kai happened to bump into someone he never thought he would see again. Standing in front of him was his sister, Ava. It seemed like all of Kai’s worries went away in a heartbeat and he was filled with joy. He instantly hugged her and Ava showed the same reaction. Kai was filled with relief, Knowing he didn’t kill his sister and there is maybe some hope for him. Kai is still worried that everything could easily fall apart, But now that he visits his sister often and she comforts him, Assuring him everything will be okay. Kai is still holding on to hope.