


1 year, 5 months ago


Not much is known about Chase’s past. Just that he was Arron’s childhood friend but the two grew distant apart as they grew older and stopped hanging out with each other. For unknown reasons, Chase turned to a life of crime. He was more smarter and cunning than others thought he was so he never got caught. After losing his tail to a battle between a lawmen. Chase built a venomous robotic scorpion tail to help him for more of a defense. Ever since then, Barely anyone dared to fight him because of his venomous tail and intelligence, Everyone except Scarlet. Scarlet and Chase have been enemies ever since the two became outlaws. The two are very competitive over one another and hate each other. Chase eventually got tired of the solo play and realized if he wanted a life of crime, He couldn’t do it alone. Reed, Archer, Arron, Max, Isabella and Kai all joined him and they all became outlaws. However, Archer turns on them and almost ends up killing the whole gang for unknown reasons. It was thanks to Arron that everyone survived as he was the only one that thought of Archer. To make things worse, Months later Reed betrays the whole gang and almost turns them in. The events left a big scar on the team and everyone grew distant. Chase remained strong but deep inside he was mentally drained and wasn’t so trusting anymore as he was betrayed so much. To make things worse, Max couldn’t take the pressure and left the gang. Making Chase worry if the family he created is falling apart. Chase still remains strong and holds onto hope, But is very worried for his gang and wonders if they will be okay. His gang is Death eye’s enemy and the two gangs are still very competitive.