


1 year, 5 months ago


Fern lived in a small wolf tribe that was led by her mother. Fern grew up being abused and was always manipulated by her mother. Fern was the heir and destined to be the next leader and she hated it. Fern never had a good relationship with her mother after her father died when she was young. Because of how abusive and manipulative she was, Fern wanted to be nothing like her. Fern eventually fell in love with one of the other wolves in the tribe. Fern wanted a happy life, but she didn’t want to be a part of her mother’s expectations. The two lovers ran away from the tribe. They found a small cave to live in and thought they would spend their life happy and safe there. But when Fern’s mother found out, she was in rage and decided the best way to solve this was punishment. Fern’s mother sends out a patrol to kill Fern’s mate and to bring Fern back. Fern’s mate woke up and saw the patrol, but instead of waking up Fern. He went off to fight and protect her. But he was outnumbered and beaten to death by the patrol. When Fern woke up, she was distraught when she saw her mate lying there with blood everywhere. She begged for him to get up and not leave her and tried to wake up the dead body. But before she could even comprehend what was going on and take a moment to breathe. She was dragged back to her mother by the patrol, despite her fight and struggle. When Fern was turned in and with her mother again, her mother clawed her in the eye as a mark of punishment. Her mother kept Fern locked up in a cave with thorns covering the entrance. In her mind, Fern would serve punishment there until she was ready to finally give in and stop being so denial and rebellious. But what no one knew, is that Fern was already expecting pups. Fern was in grief and when she found out, some of that happiness she once felt with her mate came back, she was going to be a mother. Fern knew once her mother found out, she would either kill them or keep them away from Fern so she could face punishment. Fern wasn’t going to let her mother take away something that made her happy again. She promised herself she was going to protect these pups with her life. Fern was able to bite through the thorns and as soon as she bit through the last one, She ran away. Terrified to look back. She didn’t know where she was going and didn’t even care, as long as it was away from there. When Fern had her pups, it was the happiest day of her life. She had four pups, Two girls and two boys. Athena, Sephora, Quin and Yuro. Even if her mate wasn’t there to share that moment with her. She promised herself she would protect her pups with her life. Now Fern travels from one place to another place with her children. She never stays in one place, afraid her mother would catch up to her and take her children away. It’s a hard life being a single mother on the run, but if it meant protecting her pups it doesn’t matter to her.