


1 year, 5 months ago


As a child, Jasmine was judged for her looks. She had strange flower patterns, Vines and plants would sometimes grow on her, And she was teased a lot because of it. Jasmine became shy and insecure about her looks. The only ones who didn’t judge her were the plants and flowers in the village. Jasmine had the ability to talk to them and control them. The plants became her only friends and protected her. When she turned into a teenager, Her whole village was filled with pitchforks and torches, Jasmine went outside her house to see what was the commotion. Everyone was shouting and screaming about the spotting of a dragon. Jasmine was shocked as she realized the village was going to kill it. Jasmine ran out of her village to search and warn for the dragon. Jasmine stumbled into a dark cave and found a dragon curled up and crying. Jasmine didn’t even know this dragon, But seeing him so afraid broke her. Jasmine lay down next to him and comforted him, Not even afraid of the dragon. Jasmine noticed a wound on the dragon's wing, And with the power of her healing plants, She healed its wing. The dragon realized Jasmine wasn’t a threat and befriended her. The dragon told his name was Thorn and how the village injured him and his wings. Jasmine promised him she would protect them and won’t let anyone hurt him. Everyday Jasmine would leave her house to bring Thorn food and healing supplies. Thorn grew to have a crush on Jasmine as no one treated him this nice, Yet Jasmine doesn’t know this. One day a villager caught Jasmine talking to Thorn and reported back to the village. When Jasmine came back she was forced to tell where Thorn’s location was. Jasmine didn’t say anything, She wouldn’t betray Thorn, Not her best friend. Jasmine was locked in her own house so she couldn’t warn Thorn. The plants tried saving her but the villagers would slice and cut them off. Thorn came to Jasmine's house at night and freed her. Jasmine told Thorn her village would only force her to talk. So Thorn took Jasmine and flew her far away from the village. They stopped at a cave in the mountains. Jasmine felt free and happy with Thorn, Despite not having the same love feeling as Thorn. She couldn’t ask for a better friend. Thorn has a hard time accepting she doesn't feel the same, But wants Jasmine to be happy and couldn’t imagine forcing her to feel something she’s not. He loves her so much. Jasmine has no idea how Thorn feels, But can tell something weird between the two, But it doesn’t stop their relationship.