


1 year, 5 months ago


Thorn hates thinking about his past, It scares him everytime he thinks about it. Thorn grew up without parents. He has always been alone ever since he hatched. He had to protect and hunt for himself and even learn how to fly by himself. Thorn hates being lonely, But as time passes he just accepts the fact he will forever be lonely. Thorn would sometimes make small talk with tiny animals and all for the sake of not turning insane. But when Thorn wanders into a human village. Thorn is chained and captured and brought to a dragon dungeon. But Thorn being his stubborn self, Struggles and claws at the humans and keeps fighting. The humans saw this as an opportunity to train Thorn into being an assassin and weapon. Thorn was locked up and chained in a room full of other dragons. Thorn just watched in fear and being so young just cried in fear. Years passed, And Thorn is a teenage dragon now. Thorn made special connections with two of the dragon prisoners, But when the humans found out his relationship with them. They killed one of the dragons and transferred the other to another prison. Thorn was forced to be in his cage and watch the horror. As time passed, All the other dragons gave in to the humans, But Thorn kept on fighting. The humans try training Thorn to obey them but everyday Thorn would bite at blast at the humans whenever they open the cage to feed him. It got to the point where they would chain Thorn’s mouth so he can’t blast. And his talons can't claw at them. Thorn was brought to an arena and forced to fight other dragons. But thorn didn’t and just avoided conflict. The humans got so annoyed of Thorn’s stubbornness, that they decided torture would make him obey. Whenever Thorn didn’t obey orders, They burned Thorn’s wings with metal and chains. Thorn ended up fearing the humans so much that he had to listen to them. Thorn kills other dragons in the arena and when the humans see Thorn’s strength. They put a muzzle on him so he couldn’t blast and chained his wings so he couldn’t fly away or escape. The humans forced him to kill other targets without being seen. Thorn killed targets, And captured dragons in for the humans. Thorn hated it and wished he didn’t let his fear take over him. He just wanted to be free again and see the outdoors. One day, Thorn was sleeping in his cage. But saw one of the guards leave the cage door open. Thorn realizes that this is his one chance to be free. Thorn quietly sneaked behind the humans and flew out of an open window. Being free again, Thorn planned to continue his normal life. Thorn wanted to save the dragons, But he didn’t want to get caught and live in torture anymore. Thorn found a small cave near a village and rested there till his injured wings recovered. But one day while hunting, The nearby village attacked Thorn injuring his wings more than it was. Thorn flew back to his cave and cried because of his wings in more pain. But Jasmine, A Odd looking rapterian. Found Thorn crying and comforted him. Thorn expected Jasmine to report to the village or hurt him. But she instead just stayed there until he stopped crying. Jasmine befriended Thorn and would bring him food and even healed his wings. Thorn has always been alone, Jasmine was his first and only friend. As they grew closer Thorn grew closer with Jasmine, And ended up having a crush but he never confessed to her. But a villager caught Jasmine bringing Thorn food. And they took Jasmine prisoner so she could tell the dragon's location. Thorn waited for Jasmine but got more worried for her. After wandering in the village, Thorn found Jasmine locked in her house. Jasmine told Thorn to leave her and she will be fine, But Thorn refused and broke Jasmine free and flew away from her village. Thorn found a cave in the mountains, And Jasmine and Thorn have lived there since. Living there they met nearby neighbors, Connie, Robin, And Cinder. And when Thorn visited Sakura a few times, He met Bella, Alice, Delta, Ren and Stacy. Thorn felt weird about having so many friends since he grew up and learned how to survive on his own. But it made him feel safe and smile. But, Thorn grew jealousy towards Ren. Mainly because he started having feelings for Jasmine. Thorn and Ren are still friends, But Thorn will sometimes tease him and bully him because of him hanging with Jasmine. Thorn wants to find the courage to say his feelings to Jasmine, Before Ren does.