


1 year, 5 months ago


Amir was born into the winter kingdom. When he was born, the ruler was Queen Primrose. She was a compassionate and sweet caring ruler. But her life was taken by an unknown sickness leaving her adoptive daughter, Regina, to the throne. But when Regina took over, The kingdom turned into a worse and worse state. Regina was cruel to her subjects. Every year she would order her guards to go into the village and recruit any rapterian or species that were up to the age of 13 to 17. They would be taken away from their homes and families, training them to be guards to serve under queen Regina. Amir’s mother was usually stressed. She knew one day her children would be taken away from her. Despite her being mostly depressed, She kept a positive smile and didn’t let Amir see her dark side. Because Amir's father died from a bear attack when hunting for his family, It was mostly Amir and his mother. They were super close. Amir didn’t have many friends in the village because he was usually picked on for being shy and smaller than a normal fox, So he spent all his time with his mother. As unhappy his mother was, She kept her happy personality around Amir so Amir could feel better when he needed comfort. Amir wanted to protect his mother with his life, He loved her more then anything and she was all Amir had of a family. When Amir turned 13, He one day woke up to his mother crying. Confused and a bit worried, He walked towards his mother and pawed at her, Asking what was wrong. But that question was soon answered when his eye caught two tall rapterian guards inside the cabin. That's when Amir knew what was happening. He was going to be taken away to train and be a guard, Amir sighed. He wasn’t going to fight back or cry even though he was crying for help inside. He just turned to his mother and hugged her, whispering softly he will be okay. If Amir was being taken away from his mother, he at least wanted her to know he was going to be okay. His mother stopped crying and looked down at him and just softly smiled as her eyes were filled with tears. Before he could say anything else, a guard put their paw on Amir’s shoulder and dragged him away. They ignored his mother's screams as she begged for her son back. She tried to fight back but the other tall rapterian pinned her down until Amir was taken into the castle. When the guard set Amir down, he whispered to his ear that if he didn’t train and try to escape, they would kill his mother. Amir couldn’t let that happen, He cared for his mother so much, she was all he had. He agreed and was able to take any sort of training if it meant protecting his mother. Ever since that day Amir went through a lot of training to be a guard. But it was anything but easy. Amir was abused and given multiple mentors, But each one was disappointed in him for being so small and not as strong as a rapterian fox should be. When he would make a mistake he was physically and emotionally abused. It was then until Amir was given to Regina trusted guard Levi. Levi was tasked to train Amir to be cruel and vicious like the other guards, But that's not exactly what happened. Unlike the other mentors, Levi was kind to Amir and trained him properly, and when he made a mistake Levi just shook it off and encouraged him. When Levi wasn’t around it was Ahmya who trained Amir. She wasn’t cruel or abusive, just insane and scared Amir a bit. But she was still kind to him. The two trained Amir to be a great guard and have actual fighting skills. That's when he was tasked to fight other guards to prove his strength. If he lost, He would be looked down upon and be nothing more than a low rank guard who could easily die in battle and no one would care. But that's not what happened thanks to Levi and Ahmya. Amir fought many guards who were more experienced and taller than him and using his small size and training to his advantage he was able to stun and defeat them all. Amir became a well respected guard and it caught the attention of Regina. Levi and Ahmya brought Amir to Regina, it was the first time he ever saw her. Regina surprisingly didn’t seem like some evil bloodthirsty queen Amir always imagined, She just seemed tired and pretty upset about everything. Amir still held a grudge as she was responsible for taking him away from his mother, But if he wanted her to survive. She had to obey her. He vowed to protect Regina. And Regina took interest in his loyalty and determination. Amir ranked to a high rank guard and had a lot of control like Levi does. Regina gave Amir a sword that is able to block and absorb power blasts so he can defend himself, The sword was only given to high ranked guards and guards Regina favored. So as soon as everyone saw Amir with the sword, They would dip their head and never question him. Despite his good training and effort, His high rank and everyone respecting him. Amir doesn’t enjoy being a guard and still misses his mother. He hates taking other villagers' children away and all it does is make him feel disappointed and disgusted at himself. Amir decided since he had some control, He would help the village behind Regina back. Amir can’t unfortunately save everyone, but when new guards are being recruited Amir will help other villagers move out of the village or hide their children till recruitment is over. He doesn’t tell anyone, afraid his mother will be killed for his failures, So he keeps quiet and still serves under Regina. As much as he hates being a guard, he enjoys being with Levi and having him as a mentor. Him and Ahmya are the only friends he has and he helps them whenever he can. As for his mother, He’s able to visit her and sneak off whenever he’s not working to see her. She sometimes helps him hide and helps other families move as well. Amir hopes one day his kingdom can go back to the great and happy kingdom it once was when Primrose was in charge, but for now he has to stay loyal to Regina so he can protect his loved ones.