


1 year, 5 months ago






Plant control

Lokota name

Deer rapterian


Based off of
Native american folklore

Sakura forest

Geralt | The Witcher 3

Willow tree

Gang leader









Cheyenne plants flowers everywhere to honor the tribe he lost. N7lVK0b.gif
Cheyenne always tells Caitlyn stories about his tribe and the history of the cervidae.
Cheyenne can't physically express emotion.
Cheyenne acts as a uncle figure to Maple and is very protective of her. He's unaware of the bullying Caitlyn does to her.
Cheyenne isn't really physically strong like a normal deer rapterian due to his physical health. y0Ghjj5.gif
Cheyenne has gained a bunch of scars and stitches from the lab and fights.

Story headliner

Death of the cervidae and rise of the Šahíyena

OI. Backstory

Death of the cervidae and rise of the Šahíyena

Cheyenne is one of the last wolf deer rapterians along with Archer and Maple. Cheyenne and Archer’s mother were sisters, Making the two cousins. They never were close like siblings but being the only kids in the tribe, they played together a lot. They both were shy kids and didn’t know how to be that much social which made them actually get along well. However, While Archer was focused on practicing control on the knives his mother gave him. Cheyenne learned how to control his new found ability of earth control. He could control any plants and roots underground. His family was very supportive and encouraged Cheyenne to keep on learning. However, one day while Cheyenne was practicing his abilities outside of the tribe’s borders. Cheyenne was frightened by the sound of gunshots. Being a rapterian, his sensitive ears couldn’t take the sounds and he curled up in a ball in fear. When the noise finally stopped, Cheyenne ran back to the tribe to see what was going on. He came back and was horrified at what he found. All the tribe members were dead. Some were stabbed to death while others had bullet wounds. Some of the large and older adults had their antlers cut off. Cheyenne was terrified and all he could think about was if his family and Archer were okay. He looked everywhere for his family and his cousin, and It didn't take long for him to find the corpse of his mother. The little deer doesn’t know how to take all of this in. He hugs his mother's corpse and just continues to cry. His crying caught the attention of the killers, hunters. Instead of executing the little deer, they decided to capture the deer. But when Cheyenne saw one of the hunters hands moving towards him, Cheyenne panics and defends himself with his vines. The humans found his defense hostile and Cheyenne was hit with a blow dart. He fell to the ground unconscious. Cheyenne was taken to a containment facility that held young animals and rapterians like him. They were experimented on and tortured for their ability for the humans own personal gain. But because Cheyenne was assumed to be the last of the deer rapterian, the experiments were worse than any nightmare. The humans were fascinated by his plant manipulation ability, but Cheyenne refused to use it for their own gain. They decided they would torture him until he did. Cheyenne was subjected to horrible tests and experiments. And he was awake to witness it all. Cheyenne was torn apart like a doll and stitched back together again. The humans would saw off his limbs then sew him back together, day by day. Experiment after experiment. All his screams were ignored, no one ever came for help no matter how much he begged. Cheyenne would spend nights in his small cell, trying to find a way to escape, afraid of the horrors the humans had planned for him. But he was either caught and subjected to more terror. Eventually Cheyenne gave up and just accepted this was his life now. He stopped fighting, he stopped trying to escape. He just gave up. One day the same routine took place, but something went wrong. Cheyenne's body couldn’t take anymore of the pain and Cheyenne died in the middle of one of their experiments. But the humans wouldn’t accept that, Cheyenne held too much power for them to just give up on. It took a lot of tests and experimenting. But using plants to replace his wounds and enhancing his blood. They were able to revive Cheyenne. It was probably a miracle to the scientists, but just a loss to Cheyenne. Cheyenne was different. He couldn’t show any expression. He couldn’t smile, cry, or even show any emotion of sadness or anger. He was like a doll now. After that, the scientists decided that any more stitching would cause more damage to Cheyenne. Cheyenne was just left in a dark cell only fed once a day. for 13 years Cheyenne dealt with the torture. Until something snapped in him. He had enough, and everyone who tortured him would suffer. It took a lot of practice and control, but eventually Cheyenne was able to gain back control of the plants and environment around him. Now to escape. Suddenly out of nowhere, sharp thorns and vines grab a hold of employees and scientists. Slowly crushing their inside and organs. Cheyenne was able to knock a scientist unconscious with his vines and take the keys. Finally, he was free. After years of torture, no one coming to save him, he was finnally free. But it didn’t satisfy Cheyenne. The humans didn’t get to get off the hook so easily after all they put him through. Now with his new control, Cheyenne made vines surrounding the whole containment facility. Crushing and killing everything in its path. Screams of the humans were heard but Cheyenne felt no sympathy for them. They never cared to stop when he screamed for help, why should he. Cheyenne ends up freeing all the other trapped animals and rapterians and the facility. When Cheyenne gets to a certain cage, he sees a small female rapterian curled up crying. Cheyenne does all he can to comfort her and assures her she will be okay. He breaks open her cell and gently guides his new friend out. The rapterian has never been outside her cell before, so this is all a shock to her. She can’t put into words how thankful she was for Cheyenne’s help. The rapterian is named Rogue and she explains how she was tortured and locked up all her life just like Cheyenne. Despite Cheyenne’s emotionless nature, he’s happy to have made a friend. Cheyenne and Rogue became very close ever since. Rogue has always followed and has been loyal to Cheyenne and became his right hand. Cheyenne knew he couldn’t go back home after everything that happened and nothing will ever be the same even if he tried to live a normal life. So together, Rogue and Cheyenne chose the decision to live a life without law. They made their way back to Sakura and at first started stealing small items for survival. But it quickly turned to bigger things until they became criminals. This caught the attention of Thale and he eventually started going after the two. Cheyenne and Rogue were nervous from this and didn’t know how to move on. That’s when outcasts, outlaws and rapterians with no homes came to Cheyenne and Rouge, asking them to join their group. What once was a small group for survival was now a full on outlaw gang. Cheyenne became the leader of the gang while Rogue is his most trusted and second in command. Although it was a bit tough with the National Felonies unit trying to arrest each member and hunt them all down, Cheyenne and Rogue know that even if they tried they could never go back to a normal life. Besides, the gang was their new family now. Why give it up just to follow the law? Although Cheyenne is usually busy protecting his gang, Cheyyene deeply cares for his adoptive daughter. Caitlyn. Caitlyn was a runaway from an abusive household. Cheyyene found her in the rain, starving all alone in the forest. Although their relationship isn’t perfect with Caitlyn’s anger issues and attitude and Cheyenne caught up attention, he still loves her very much just as much as he loves the gang.

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave

Cheyenne’s species was actually known for being very polite and defenseless. Although he was taken away at a young age and never got to have a normal childhood experience. He is very polite. He constantly apologizes, always asks before doing anything and is very respectful of his members. Because of his past he mostly is quiet and keeps to himself, although he’s actually very talkative with Rogue. Because he doesn’t want to feel the pain he did as a child, he can be very stubborn and determined. It takes a while to take him off his goals.

Trait 01
Trait 02
Trait 03





His pride and joy. Cheyenne found Caitlyn as a kitten stranded alone in the forest on a rainy day. Despite Rogue’s attempts to tell Cheyenne the gang can’t afford to take care of a child, Cheyenne took the kitten in and raised her as his own daughter. Although responsibilities of being a gang leader and outlaw have kept him away from Caitlyn most of the time, he always tries everything in his power to make her happy and be there for her. Although he’s not good at expressing love. He’s well aware of the insecurities Caitlyn has about her tusks and does his best to try and let her know he thinks her tusks are beautiful. Despite the struggles, he will do anything for her and loves her more than himself.


Rogue is Cheyenne’s closest friend and he has the most trust in her. It’s been proven many times that no matter what, Rogue will never betray or let him down. They met together when they were kids, both being tortured and experimented on in a lab. After Cheyenne freed her, Rogue has always been by his side. If something ever happens, Cheyenne trusts Rogue to take over the gang if he can’t. Her snappy aggressive behavior never really bothered Cheyenne, but even if so. Rogue is always respectful of him and follows his every command without question. He’s completely oblivious of Rogue’s crush, as she doesn’t show it


Archer and Cheyenne’s mothers are both sisters, making the two cousins. Cheyenne and Archer used to play together all the time when they were kids and after the rapterian deer incident, Cheyenne thought Archer died with the others. He only recently found out when the two happen to spot each other while wandering in the forest. Cheyenne didn’t know how to react and just quickly walked away without saying anything, leaving Archer confused. Cheyenne and Archer have encountered each other a few more times after that, but the two interact with hostility. One being an outlaw while one is a bounty hunter and all. Cheyenne is aware of the murders Archer has committed to avenge their species, and doesn’t know how to feel about him. Cheyenne doesn’t justify killing, no matter who it is.