


1 year, 5 months ago


Dakota was the runt of her family. Not just small, she was just a bit bigger than a squirrel. This made her parents very overprotective of her and her older brothers pick on her a lot. At first Dakota didn’t mind as much, but it got to the point where she hated being babied so much. Her brothers never let her join in on anything and her parents never allowed her to leave the den. Dakota felt so helpless. She could do as much as a normal raccoon can, right? When Dakota was old enough to finally move out. Dakota would find small trinkets of machines and robotic parts. Dakota was fascinated with this and that's when she found her interest in technology. She became an engineer and wanted to study more on inventing. Inventing felt like the one thing that didn’t make her feel so small. It was the one thing she was good at, nothing was stopping her from becoming an engineer. However, because of how much Dakota wanted to prove herself she was good enough and not just some small raccoon. She ended up doing some illegal work. She ended up joining a gang in the mountains that wanted to use her inventions for heists and illegal work. Although Dakota was hesitant about this, she never protested because she just wanted someone to not see her as a weak small raccoon. But sadly, the gang still saw her as weak and small and just used her for inventions. That's when a new member came in, Crow. Crow was more shy and quiet, but he got the job done so the gang kept him. Crow and Dakota became very close to where they saw each other as siblings. However, Crow was framed for a heist going wrong and was forced to leave the gang. Crow was the only one who didn’t look at Dakota the way everyone else did. Not wanting to leave Crow alone, she decided to take her inventions and join Crow. The gang told Dakota she will never make it out on her own without them before she left. She wanted to prove them wrong. Crow and Dakota eventually found Cheyyene’s group and at first only joined for shelter, but they ended up having a special bond with the others. Cheyenne or the others never looked at Dakota as weak or useless, and they found her tech useful. Well.. Everyone except Talon and Cherry. They think her height is hilarious and bully her alot, but she usually ignores it. Now she’s the main engineer for the gang and even has a machine that could steal other powers (She tried copying Scarlet’s ability) Yet it’s still in beta.