


1 year, 5 months ago


All her life all Autumn knew was the Cervus gang. Autumn was an orphan that happened to be chasing a butterfly when she saw Ghost and Rain stealing metal parts from a crashed abandoned train. Curious, Autumn followed the couple back to the base and by the time they noticed her. It was too late and she already knew the location of the base. Autumn, unaware of the danger she was in was just confused and didn’t see why everyone was freaking out. Cheyenne and Rogue were hesitant on what to do with the little child. They politely ask her where her parents are and she simply replies she doesn’t know them or where they are. Of course, this made the gang more hesitant. It’s heartless to send an orphan child all out on their own right? Plus, she knew where they were and could easily give up their hideout. Cheyyene decided to let Autumn into the gang and the whole gang would raise her. Still naive and unaware of what happened, Autumn takes this as getting a bunch of new parents. Now Autumn just plays outdoors in the base, excited for the adventures of what lies up ahead for her.