


1 year, 5 months ago


Chance was born and raised inside an assassin organization with his twin sister Ruby. He was taught by his mother how to sneak and kill. Certain ways to kill, and how to hide evidence. Chance and Ruby were the most skilled thanks to their mother. Chance was like a fish cat. He could breathe underwater, Take form of sea creatures, And communicate with other sea animals. Ruby’s power was however a bit different. She could talk to spirits and had certain spirit orbs with big white eyes that protected her. Chance was more of a show off and jokester while Ruby was more quiet and mysterious. Ruby and Chance killed many targets together and were very feared. But One day Chance and Ruby were told to kill a rich dangerous hero with their mother. Besides them being told how dangerous this hero was. Chance and Ruby thought this would be easy like all their other targets. When Chance turned off the security system by going under water and cutting the wires, Ruby killed the guards. The three assassins were able to get in the house. But it was a trap. Whoever this hero was, She was intelligent and knew they were coming. The three decided to separate to look for their target. But when Chance was alone, His vision got blurry. He couldn’t think straight. He started seeing nothing but weird shapes attacking him. Chance took out his katana and started swiping at the objects. He felt scared, confused, Worried. Finally when his vision went away, He saw his dead mother in front of him. In shock, Chance tried waking her up. He wouldn’t believe he killed his own mother, that he killed one he loved and cared about so much. Ruby saw Chance and screamed at the sight of her dead mother. Ruby cried on her mother’s body then saw the blood on Chance’s Katana. When Ruby demanded an answer Chance was still confused and he cried that he didn’t know. Ruby tackled him in rage but Chance dodged and ran away from crawling out of a window. Chance knew that the organization wouldn’t want to hear his excuses. He killed one of their best assassins, And they would kill him. Worse, Ruby. The person he loved and grew up with and did everything with hated him now, and thought he was a monster. Chance traveled by himself and lived off of stealing from markets. It was hard to live in the streets because of him being more weak when dehydrated and his body’s need for water. But he didn’t think he deserves anything else for the crime he did. Chance hid himself from society, afraid of what he would do for others. He killed people all the time and was raised that way, why did he suddenly feel bad and was scared of it? He didn’t know. Maybe it was because the death of his mother suddenly made him feel how he made so many other family members and friends feel. One day while looking for food, Chance bumps into some feared stray alley dogs. Chance being a cat with a weird unnatural color, He was seen as a threat and was attacked. Chance tried fighting back, But because he was dehydrated. He couldn't use any form of a sea animal and was so weak he could barely grab his knives. Chance was about to give up and just accept this is what he deserved for all the pain he caused, But someone scared the dogs away. When Chance got up and looked to see who did this. He saw a tall white wolf with fins with a large fluffy tail. Chance later found out her name was Sapphire. Sapphire brought Chance in and took care of him till he got better. When sapphire gave him the choice to leave, Chance decided to stay. He had nowhere else to go, And Sapphire reminded him of his mother. Sapphire trained Chance how to sail, Fight better than his organization ever did, and how to survive with dehydration. Chance also met Blossom, a 1000 old sweet owl who was like a grandma to him from her personality. when Astro, Killian, and Callist were recruited. Chance felt like he had a family, better than the organization, and though he missed Ruby and his mother. He loved his crew and swore to protect it. Even Sapphire made him first mate for his loyalty and braveness. One day while sailing in the ocean, there was a giant storm. Chance tried his best to keep the team together and not to panic, despite panicking himself. Suddenly, Astro roared at something in the stormy cloud sky. When Chance looked up, a falcon with torn off feathers and wings was falling from the sky. Blossom and Astro flew to the poor injured falcon but couldn’t catch him. Chance was fast and was able to grab him before he fell in the water. The falcon was close to death, his feathers were torn as if he was being attacked and bitten. Blossom took him into medical care, And Chance stayed near the medical care watching the poor falcon recover. Because of the falcon’s torn apart wings, Blossom had to replace them with robotic parts. But he can’t touch water anymore. When he finally did recover. He was shocked and freaked out where he was and what happened to his wings. Chance was able to calm him down by sitting next to him. Everyone questioned how he got those scars, But he never said how he did and would always change the subject. When Chance asked the falcon name, He revealed it to be Arrow. Chance and Arrow had a close connection the more they talked. And when Arrow agreed to join the crew, Chance and him became best friends and did everything together. Missions, sailing and even at night. Arrow is usually always on Chance’s shoulder or seen flying around him. Chance can be a show off and prick at times. But he loves his crew like a family, Especially Arrow and Sapphire.