


1 year, 5 months ago


Callist is one of the guardians of the crew and the ship. He doesn’t remember anything outside the crew, but he doesn’t mind. Like any child, What’s important to him more than anything is Astro. His adoptive dragon mother. He gets scared when she’s not around and always follows her. Or when she is not around, Callist tries mimicking dragon sounds, or makes cardboard wings to act like Astro. He loves her so much, even though he’s just a child. He will make sure nothing happens to her. Whenever he asks how Astro found him, Sapphire says he was found alone in a cave, because it was snowing so hard he could have freezed to death, he was also found with no paw. But Astro found him while patrolling and curled next to him and covered him with her wings. Thanks to her. He was healthy and alive. Astro took care of Callist as his own ever since. Sapphire and Astro can’t figure out why, but Callist can turn into a full grown giant bear when in a state of rage. They found out that when humans attacked Chance and Arrow, Callist saw them and tried protecting them. But out of nowhere, his whole body grew into a giant bear and scared them away, saving Callist and Arrow. Sapphire uses this for scaring others away, but in reality. Callist has no intention of hurting anyone.