


1 year, 5 months ago


Killian was a normal shy weapon maker who preferred to be alone. He used to formally work as a police officer but was then fired for his lack of bravery and to hurt others which let many criminals get away. The only job he found that wasn’t giving him a heart attack was weapon making. It actually made him calmer and he is an expert on each kind of gun, sword, and other weapon machinery. Killian heard stories of Captain Sapphire’s crew but didn’t pay too much attention to it until one day he flew a little too far from his shop to collect materials for more weapons. He came across Sapphire’s ship in the ocean, of course he should have just flew away and ignored it. But something told him to keep on going. He flew to the ship only to sneak around a bit but Chance caught sight of him. Before the aggressive cat could do anything, Blossom stopped him. Killian was scared and confused, but Blossom’s kindness made him calmer. Sapphire saw potential in Killian’s skills. And asked him if he could join her pirate crew. For once, Killian had the chance to use his skills for something. He accepted, and since that day. Killian created the crew's weapons, cannons, and even engines or flags. Despite him being jumpy, he’s an expert at machinery and even though he can’t really use them because of him having wings instead of paws or hands. His power to use a banshee scream to stun enemies has become very useful to the crew.