Azeroth's Comments

HELLO OMG HI IDK IF THIS CUTIE IS STILL UP FOR GRABS BUT I JUST REALLY HOPE I CAN STILL THROW MY HAT IN THE RING FOR HER!! Idk if we're supposed to do a story idea for them, but I just overhauled my Oc-verse and I'd love to have her in it, cuz I'm currently looking for new bbys since I'm kindof slow with designing 😭 DHSKKS SORRY FOR RAMBLING BUT YES I'D REALLY LIKE TO CLAIM IF I CAN UHHH TYSM FOR YOUR TIME!! 😳🙌🏻

They’re adorable! I can offer 2 busts or a full body drawing for them :) Here’s a little bio for them as well hehe

Name: most likely an s name, like Sylvia, Saleme, Sarina

Pronouns: She/they

Likes: Insects, writing, spell casting, anything creepy, black, green

Dislikes: Dogs, yellow, red, flavored water, the sound of typing, modern movies

Sylvie is the eldest daughter of a famous family of sorcerers, and is believed to be the most powerful within their home. Unfortunately for her, she struggles with her abilities when she lacks the motivation and it doesn’t help that her parents want her to focus her studied on plants magic and healing. In order to find her true self, Sylie runs away and attempts to make a name for herself in a town filled with monsters, a place where no one knows her,

If I had this character I'd name her Sydney. She'd go by Sid though.

Sid's your classic cynic- she thinks no one could possibly do anything for any reason besides greed. She sees the bad in everything. Everyone sees her as a downer, so she doesn't have many friends.

She doesn't need friends though, because her best friend, Maya, is a demon who shared Sid's body. Together they go on adventures (Sid is reluctant, Maya is exuberant, they are entirely opposites) and learn to understand each other's point of view in life.

In other words, I'd love to have this character so I could write a story with her in it. There's so much I already want to do with her and she's not even mine yet!!