


1 year, 5 months ago


Isabella is Arron and Max’s little sister and the small thief of the gang. Isabella and Max were adopted by Rye and Arron’s parents after being found on the side of the road near a broken down wagon. Her parents weren’t that great and loving, But Isabella still loved her family and was thankful to have them. But Isabella had a dangerous ability. She could drain someone's life source just by touching someone. Because of this, Her parents never let her go outside or talk to anyone. She wasn’t allowed to play with any kids and to have any physical contact with her parents or siblings. Because of this it was hard for her to be social or to make any friends. Rye, Max and Arron were aware of this and tried their best to still make Isabella feel like she belonged. However, After Arron accidentally killed Rye. Isabella was traumatized and happened to be right there when it happened. Ever since then, Isabella has never spoken again. She communicates by drawing pictures and sign language. Ever since Rye’s death. Arron took in Max and Isabella, Running away from the law. Although Isabella was traumatized, She never blamed Arron for what happened. She knew how close he was to him and that he would never try and murder him like that. Ever since the accident, Max and Arron grew more distant from each other. Isabella tried her best to keep her family from falling apart, But there was little she could do. Chase let Arron and his siblings into the gang. Isabella learned a lot of ways she could defend herself and take care of herself. Even as a small kitten. Because of her size and knowledge, She became a good thief and the best in the gang. Isabella got used to her new life and saw the gang as her family. But after the two betrayals. Isabella watched the gang grow more distant and falling apart more. Everyone became paranoid and barely trusted anyone anymore. To make things worse, Max couldn’t take the life of crime anymore and left to become a bounty hunter. Because Isabella couldn’t speak, There was so little she could do and watched it all happen. It’s only Chase, Kai, and Arron left in the gang. Isabella is a bit worried they might leave as well, Although the three promised each other they would stick together. Ever since Max left, Arron became very close to Isabella and the two are very protective of one another. Max still visits the gang to see Isabella from time to time and makes sure to help cover their tracks so the law doesn’t catch them. Isabella is grateful for this, But still worries what if the whole gang gets captured and she won’t be able to do anything about it.