


6 years, 2 months ago



Nicknames: Helio, Heli

Gemstone: Gem located on left hip. Square cut gem.

WeaponA rapier. Heliodor can channel her destabilizing abilities through her weapon, making it dangerous to even touch.

PowerLike her diamond, Heliodor is one of the few gems able to overpower gems without the use of a gem destabilizer as the power used in the weapons can be utilized by Heliodor herself. Although the reach of her power isn’t as far as her diamond’s, nor is it quite as powerful, having such a power is still enough to make most gems jealous - as well as fearful of her. 


Skin Color: Bright yellow

Hair Color: Yellow. Style: Center parting, shoulder length, swept to either side. 

Eye Color: Yellow. Her eyes glow according to mood.

Height: Slightly taller than Jasper.

OutfitWhat really makes Heliodor stand out from the crowd is the crown-like helmet, topping off her already towering stature. The helmet itself points skywards in two jagged horns on either side of her forehead. Although it both holds the power of and resembles a gem destabilizer, Heliodor’s crown is not her gem weapon.