


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Plant Monster


Agressive without meaning to be- it's in his genes. Unless you know how to handle him or talk to him, it's better to avoid this plant.


Reusing an old character concept of mine! Of weird somewhat humanoid carnivorous plants.

This one in particular got extremely lucky. Usually you'd want to get rid of his kind, as they're known to destroy plant life in whole gardens and fields if left untended. He was lucky enough to grow in a gardener's flower garden, where he went unnoticed for a while. That is until a lot of the flowers started to die.. shame on you, plant boy. The gardener didn't try get rid of him though and instead was happy to raise him. Naive but. Plant did intend to eat the gardener once he was big enough to do harm but sort of changed his mind.

Now they have an agreement of you give me food and water, I give you glowy red flowers and take care of intruders. Kind of like a really good guard dog.

Plant can actually grow more flowers if he puts his mind to it, as he can somewhat regulate his metabolism and decide how he grows. Usually it's thorny vines first x'D The flowers originally are a means to lure prey in, along with the pollen they produce if he wishes. I don't think I have to mention it but he can move his vines/roots at will. They spread wider than most people expect, so it's safe to say that at some point he knows anything that goes on in his garden.

You also could potentially rehome him by digging him up and planting him somewhere else- but have fun with that x'D