Cyrus Ivanov



1 year, 5 months ago


Cyrus Ivanov
Racoon hybrid
Scrawny but Square
You were always gold to me.- Radical Face

Cyrus is a racoon hybrid with a heart of gold who trusts easily. He's a happy teenager, having died around 15 or 16. He's had a short, although fairly enjoyable life, and a even nicer afterlife, where he runs around causing mischeif with his sister, Skylar. He cares deeply for her, being the only family he's ever had long enough to genuinely know. Cyrus died for her, and he doesn't regret it. She means the world to him, and he couldn't find a better way to spend his afterlife.


Cyrus is a boxy, gangly teenage boy. He's transgender, and around 5'6. He's on the scrawnier side, being raised by chickens and living off seeds and worms. Cyrus wears the same oversized green poncho he was given when his family died, patches sown on from wear and use. His brown sweater covers most of his hands, and he has wild, crazy dark brown hair with two racoon ears. As a child, they were a bit too big for his head, and he hasn't fully grown into his features, though he never will.

He's got dark brown circles under his eyes. These help to hide his eyebags from his horrible insomnia, as well as just being a genetic trait. Cyrus has striped pajama pants he stole from a dumpster somewhere, and brown boots. His tail is long and fluffy, being striped. Cyrus also has yellow eyes, an almost unnaturally dull yellow. He loves chickens, and frequently has an egg on hand.


Cyrus is a happy go lucky idiot. He's unable to read, INCREDIBLY stupid, and loves to a fault. He's trusting of almost everyone he meets, unless they smell funny or are a human. Cyrus and humans don't mix well due to his past with them, and he generally tries to avoid them or keep his family away from them. Trauma.

Cyrus is gullible, too. He can be easily persuaded with almost anything, and if he cares about you, he'll trust you to the end. He's like a dog, loyal to a fault. Even if hurt, it takes a bit to push Cyrus over the edge of hatred. He's generally very poisitive, wanting to see the best in anyone around him. On the opposite hand, he's very territorial. If someone is coming too close to what Cyrus views as something that he doens't want to lose, he'll become agitated and even violent.


Cyrus lost his family at the age of 6. His small village of hybrid refugees was attached by a group of poachers, having killed and sold the furs, meat, and captured children to the numerous flesh markets on the dark market. Cyrus.. doesn't remember much of what happened, not after so many decades and centuries. He remembers hiding in the grass. The fear. The pain. The screams of his name. .. It became the reason he disdained it so after even a decade. He hates his name, and is.. getting used to it in the afterlife. Being called 'Cyrus'. Being him. It's weird. After his families death, Cyrus ran off, to be raised by chickens for the remainder of his life due to his premature death. He spent his life in the chicken coop with his family, happy. To be honest, he knew the chickens weren't his original family. He knew they werent the family he lost to the destruction. But it was to cope. They loved him, and he loved them back.

Meeting Skylar made his life a lot more interesting. Cyrus was so used to his calm routine, his calm life. Instead, there came some sort of tornado of trouble, stealing his carrots out of his yard. Rivalry was the word she used. Rivalry. Cyrus remembers wanting to BITE HER. She was HORRIBLE and IN HIS SPACE. Over time, however, under the care of a .. thing named Kyler, they began to get along. They moved into a barn together on Kylers farm, becoming close knit friends. The two were inseperable. Always together, always exploring and having eachothers back. Cyrus would take the blame for some of the shit Skylar would do, and she would beat the shit out of people who would try and hurt anyone at the farm. Meeting Baphomet is when the world turned upside down. Cyrus trusted her. He trusted her as a friend. And she killed his sister. He remembers the pain of watching Skylar die. He remembers trying to kill Baphomet, steady hands holding the knife above her throat. He hated her. He hated her from stealing his family. She was no better than the humans she forced him to hurt. She was horrible. And then she killed him. Cyrus didn't feel anything by the time of his death, only hatred. Only despising her. He remembers spitting on her shoes as she stabbed him, throwing him off that cliff into the freezing water below.

And he was dead! Cyrus has been much happier since his death, forever in the body of the 16 year old who will never grow up. He.. regrets not being able to be a real person yet. To have a family. But he doesn't mind. He has Skylar. He has Llama. Thats all that matters to him.


  • He cant read, but he can write! And do math :D
  • Cyrus clucks when looking for things.
  • He actually died twice. He was supposed to die originally when Ben had killed him, but due to it being against the natural plan, he was brought back minutes after..
  • As a ghost, he has a small daisy on hand at all times. Him and Skylar are constantly getting into tousles. Still Rivals.
  • He ate some dudes leg LMAO.

Radical Face ‐ Always Gold