Novaya Zemlya



6 years, 1 month ago


✧ B I O ✧

Novaya Zemlya is a well-known model enjoying life in the upper class of society. The mare had a rather rough start in the modeling world, more so than the average pony might have due to discrimination against her species. This might be one of the reasons why Novaya has remained relatively grounded despite her now high standing in society.

✧ A P P E A R A N C E ✧

Novaya is an average sized, rather thin mare with a two-toned coat light brown coat. The area around her mouth, as well as the front of her neck, all the way down to her belly as well as the underside of her hooves, are a lighter brown, while the rest of her coat is a slightly darker brown. Her eyes are dual colored as well, fading from teal to hot pink. Novaya's long well-kept mane has a natural curl to it, a trait many mares envy her for. It too is two-toned, consisting of locks in both pink and blue.

✧ L I K E S ✧

Living in the city

✧ D I S L I K E S ✧

The Lunar Guard