


1 year, 5 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Cyrus
Age 22 (but immortal)
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Gay
Species Demon
✦ About

The youngest son of the devil, he was raised in Hell by his two fathers. Extremely strong, stronger than even his father, he has learned the hard way that he needs to control his strength. Though he is a bit lacking in the intelligence department, he's sweet and very fun to be around.

He was constantly bullied growing up, and had no friends of his own until he happened to meet Dameon while hiding in the forest, escaping from his brother (who was trying to take him home). They initally got off to a rocky start, but quickly bonded, becoming inseperable.

✦ Appearance

6'6, muscular and well built. He's got long, thick, fire-like hair that also covers a nasty scar across the right side of his face. He's got sharp fangs, bull-like horns and tail, a septum piercing, and some freckles across his face.

✦ Likes
Spicy food
Playing with Cerberus
✦ Dislikes
The cold
Being made fun of
Strangers walking on his right
Anything embarrassing
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

Youngest son of the Devil, raised in Hell by his two parents, Cyrus was a bit of a troubled child, and being the only one without wings, he was often warned to be careful, though he didn't listen. One day when he was young, he had run off on his own, giddy from exploring, playing on some railing overlooking a cliff. Due to his inhuman strength, even at so young an age, the wooden railing snapped, sending him plummetting down the cliff, landing facefirst in something sinister, practically cracking his head open. He was discovered not too long after, unconsious at the bottom of the cliff.

Lucifer was unable to fully heal him due to the properties of the substance he fell in that infected his wounds, and Cyrus lost all sight in his right eye. The scar stretched from the top of his head to his cheek, even chipping his horn. He was constantly made fun of for this, causing him to be friendless. His older brother, Elios, would defend him from others, but he wasn't always around. Cyrus grew his hair out to cover the scar, resenting it and becoming extremely self-consious.

Even when others tried to be friends with him, once they found out who his father was, they were always scared away, thinking that his father's reputation meant that Cyrus was evil, even if he tried explaining that things were different now. The constant rejection really got to him, and he spent his days exploring the overworld alone, going into caves, forests, any secluded areas. One day, he accidentally ran into Dameon, and after a quick argument, they became fast friends. Not too long after, they would start dating, Cyrus being completely and utterly smitten with him. They would marry after some time.

✦ Relationships
Dameon Best (only) friend turned love interested turned boyfriend turned husband
Ciaran Father
Lucifer Other Father
Elios Older Brother
✦ Trivia
● Because of the blindness in his right eye, he only allows people he trusts to walk on that side.
● Despite his bombastic attitude, he is quite anxious and sensitive.
● If he gets angry enough, he will start producing flames from under his feet and even his hair.
● He would do absolutely anything for Dameon, it doesn't matter what. Cyrus is wholly and fully devoted to him.
✦ Audio
● Main Theme: Starboy
● Voice Claim: Amber Run