


6 years, 2 months ago


From a very young age it was clear that Solajay was a talented unicorn. Her parents would often encourage her to participate in talent shows or to perform whenever they had guests over for dinner. In her youth, Solajay's mother would show and teach her simple spells that all unicorns should be able to perform, but it only took a few years before the aspiring talent had to seek guidance from spellbooks she borrowed from the local library. 

As Solajay grew older she soon had quite the repertoire of flashy spells as well as a very nice reputation for a unicorn of her age. Her parents soon realized that there was little more for her to do in the little town the family lived in. She had read through all the books of interest to her and most of the community there had seen her shows. In other words; if Solajay wanted to live off of her performances she would have to move elsewhere. It didn't take long for the gifted unicorn herself to reach the same conclusion and so a few weeks after her 17th birthday Solajay left for Canterlot.