


1 year, 5 months ago


age   17 

gender   female (she/her) 

birthday   June 8th 

height   12'10 

 species   Seawing 

Snarky Talkitive Optimistic Hyper Clumsy

She has a sassy but charming personality. Despite not being a very old healer, she does know what she is doing and she is quite good at her job. She was raised to be a healer, she only really learned about the different aquatic plants that grow in the local area and how to make them so they patch up and disinfect wounds. She regularly calls people affectionate nicknames and she’ll tease others, but not in a mean way, it is more of her love language. When she gets excited about something her fins wiggle and flick, however they also do that when she is confused or stressed out.


She has a very burly build with thick legs and a masculine physique. When she walks on land she has very very wide stance and a waddle walk. It is quite funny to watch however it is not easy to ambush her while she is on land because of it. Her scales are a mix of dull greens and a sliver blue fin that runs down her spine. She has Dalmatian black spots that are dabbled near the end of her feet and tail. She has long sea-otter like whiskers that sprout from underneath her scales, giving her a feline demeanor. She also has much smaller talons, lending to the cat-like look, her talons look like paws.

Chimera · aeseaes https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969752527698559016/1058124793595039804/IMG_1760.png