


1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Quickstream 

Nicknames: little boom box

Gender: female 

Sexuality: she's too young but she's straight 

Alt Mode: a normal fighter jet

Faction: con

Father: Blaster 

Mother: Soaringspark 

Personality: cocky, bold, caring towards her family 

Likes: her adoptive sire swindle she wants to be just like him

Fears: anything a normal four year old is

Quote: "Papa up please" ".......arson........." "Mama can you please teach me how to fly faster!"

Backstory: one of the only surviving sparklings from Soaringsparks so called job before being rescued only to be born around the time soaringspark was under protection of Optimus and soon adopted by swindle who her mother had been secretly seeing the arms dealer and had gotten secretly Conjunxed too as they had an odd connection, after learning to walk she sticks to swindle's side rarely leaving it while he's home and seeing him as her biological father even though he's not