Arteiv Regime



6 years, 1 month ago




Energy Level: XLIII
Strength: 49
Aura: 81
Vitality: 9
Resistance: 16
Dexterity: 64
Stamina: 64
Skill: 100
Intelligence: 36
Persuasion: 4
Luck: 25
Magic:Void Magic
Paths: (Void Magic),(Stardust Magic),(Aura Magic),
Untaught Paths: (Chronological Magic),(Ascendancy Magic)(Regicide Magic)

Name: Arteiv
Age: 14-25
D.O.B: 1,023 P.V.E. (Tempest Vessis.)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: An unnatural Purple
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: Unknown
Height: Six Foot One
Weight: One hundred eighty-eight pounds
Relatives: Sixteen siblings, seven sisters, and nine brothers. Sixth youngest in the family. Has a father and a mother, as well as an uncle.
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Gay
Defect: He was born without his pinkie fingers and pinkie toes, he had no hair- and is not able to take hits very well due to his body taking almost three times as long to heal a wound. However, he was able to retain parts of the Path of Ending, making him the first 'semi' success. 

Clothing: Atriev wears a wetsuit that covers his entire body, and then tight-fitting gloves over top of the wetsuit- and then a full set of armor on top of that, the armor is extremely scratched and worn- and the 'glass' in the helmet that hides his face is actually a form of magic crystal that allows him to see through it, while not letting anyone else see him. He is never seen without his armor, even when sleeping. The only time one might be able to catch a glimpse of his true appearance would be if he was showering, but even then he is generally very careful about letting anyone see his appearance. 

Personality: No one is really sure what Artiev is like, he is an extremely introverted person who doesn't talk much at all. And even when he does talk, he does so very quietly and in as few words as possible. He probably goes most days with saying fewer than twelve words, though it is not uncommon for him to not speak once at all. Many people, especially Arcus have great concerns if he is mentally troubled or suffering due to how quiet and how much he seems to avoid talking and interacting with people, but his parents keep insisting that he is quite alright.

Appearance: Arteiv's true appearance is not known, as he never lets anyone see what he looks like, no one but his parents.

Extra Details: No one knows exactly what he looks like, not even when he was a baby- as his father quickly took him when he saw what his son looked like. No one was allowed to see him for a few years, no one but his father and mother. However, the children were always told that he was 'in good health'. When he finally was allowed to see the others at age five- he was completely concealed.


Arteiv's name comes from an ancient Void Cipher.

Artriev is actually very good and kind of obsessed with math, especially prime numbers.

Artiev is a master of stealth, able to sneak up on just about everyone- save for Arcus who's enhanced hearing makes it nearly impossible.

Artiev has managed to further improve his ability to sneak up on people by manipulating his ending magic, to change the molecular structure of his armor to reflect light- making him appear invisible.

Artiev is a master of fire arms, but also uses a sword- typically not using his magic since he uses a lot of it for his stealth capabilities.
Timeline Differences

These are differences in the timeline, that will apply based on what AU Arcus is in.

In the standard timeline, when Arcus decides to abandon his family due to their genocidal plan for the Terrans, Artiev will begin to personally hunt Arcus down, though to what end no one is quite sure- though his father has firmly stated to him that he wants Arcus brought back alive.

In the Archon AU if Arcus decides to leave his family Artiev will actually decide to side with Arcus, mainly due to the secret resentment he holds towards his father and mother.  


List: He has an odd list on him, nothing but dates and a bunch of X's next to them. No one is sure what it means...