Vulpes (Subspecies Sheet Specification)



Species sheets require 3 things:

  • Header
    • The header is a drawing that relates to where the subspecies can be found.
    • each subspecies sheet has a paragraph on it about their 'location' that can help with inspiration for the image (5th paragraph in)
    • The header must NOT have any Animalian in it
    • Header dimensions are:  8.5 inches by 4 inches
  • two full bodies
    • these full bodies must be of the Vulpes subspecies
    • they must be dressed differently and in different poses
    • Please make the pose relate to the subspecies somehow
      • for example, if the subspecies is known for traveling you could draw a Vulpes with a rucksack, wagon or lots of traveling supplies.
    • Please draw the base idea of the Vulpes. I.e. don't draw one that is an Albino. The idea behind the full bodies is to show people what the base subspecies looks like
    • if the male and female have different looks then please draw one full body a male and the other the female coloration.
    • there are no magic/ wizard classes so please do not draw the full bodies as wizards/ warlocks.
    • full bodies must be at least 3 inches by 3 inches but can be larger and have different proportions if they look better.

-Art for this project should be at least 600 DPI/ PPI

-Drawings MUST have some form of shading and highlights.

-pictures must be digitally drawn

- Please save them as a PNG with transparent backgrounds

Have fun putting your own spin on outfits and ideas when it comes to the subspecies! I love to see what people come up with! And thank you again, I couldn't do this without you. It really means a lot to me!