
1 year, 5 months ago


profile is a wip

Name: Keir Effugia

Aliases: --

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Faction: --

Powers: He can manipulate the properties of air, allowing him to use it in a variety of ways, such as walking on air, trapping people with air, making air harder to move thorugh, and so on.

Skills: Keir is quite good at being stealthy and is also very proficient in sneaking in and out of places undetected

Personality: Keir isn't exactly introverted, but he's not exactly extroverted, either. He's got no problem talking when he has to, but he won't go out of his way to do so, completely content to be the listener more than the speaker in most conversations. He can be incredibly persistent when he wants to be, but he also knows when to give up and is capable of doing so. Keir is quite goal-oriented, and would never forget his main motivations. Because of this, he tends to talk people into continuing things if they seem to be losing the will to. He holds the people he cares about in high regard, and will do his best to minimize the consequences of his actions for them. He doesn't forgive people easily, especially for things that hurt the people he cares about.

Partner(romantically): --

Friends: Hazarda(very close and childhood friends)

Enemies: IX, Nightingale, Kiah


Design notes:

-all of the crystal-looking things on him are kyanite

-his jacket is very uneven in all sorts of ways. like the fronts of it aren't even across both sides and the back is layered very unevenly

-his jacket has a hood

-the thing hanging on his left(our right) shoulder is like a banner-ish thing? its attached to his jacket but it's not a part of it, like an extra ornament

-his gloves are the same on both hands