


1 year, 5 months ago


Racha's best (and only) friend

She lives in a dumpster behind a flower shop, Racha decorated it to be a little room. She stays in it most of the time. She only goes out every full moon to run around with Racha since no one is around. It is forbidden. She's very shy and sensitive, yet even though Racha is fucking insane, she finds comfort in her. She always brings her random stuff since she can't eat, and brushes her hair every day and night. Abby has a crush on her, but she doesn't know what Racha would think about it, so she keeps it to herself.

They met not too long after Racha arrived. She was looking for a home and found Abby looking for food. She started to take care of her, but even though she asked about Abby to the other villagers, they swore there was no one there.

She was scared of Racha at first, but as Racha started talking to her more, she found a friend in her.