


1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Wendell is a guy! He loves pale colors and pastels and reading by the fire on rainy days. He's the nervous sort who doesn't really go out much, rather preferring to stay at home with a warm cup of hot cocoa sitting comfortably in his pawpads, not hot enough to burn but still hot enough to fill him with warmth with every sip. When he does go out, he prefers long walks in the woods-- by himself, of course. He'd much rather enjoy the beauty of nature on his own time then worry about keeping pace with someone else. He's doesn't handle movies very well, as he startles easily at loud noises, and the bright light always ends up giving him a headache. He likes classical music (of course he does, the nerd), and has a collection of all his favorite albums. All in all, Wendell is just a sweet guy who likes to keep to himself.

Despite his agoraphobic tendencies, Wendell absolutely loves his job as a tutor. Quite articulated in math and English himself, he loves to help aspiring minds grow and prosper. Hell, he'd do it for free if paying rent wasn't an issue. He mostly works at a local community college as one of their go-to tutors, though he does help out at other local schools on the side. He dedicates a lot of his time to making certain subjects easy for kids to comprehend, and it fills him with joy whenever one if the kids he's tutoring ends up getting higher marks in their classes because of him. While Wendell is certainly smart enough to do more with the knowledge he's accrued, with many of his coworkers saying he's woefully overqualified for his job, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Wendell enjoys dressing in clothes that are both soft and warm. He’s rather insecure about his four arms, and so he often goes out in a cloak that he can then use to hide them. He also owns dresses and ponchos for the purpose of hiding his arms as well, but the cloak is his favorite. He’ll only wear something that reveals all four arms if he’s at home, or if he’s with someone else, he must be incredibly comfortable around that person. He also owns a plush tail that Shade commissioned for him that he slides over his natural tail. It acts as a comfort object for him, something for him to grab and hold close to himself whenever he’s stressed. He likes cuddling it when he goes to sleep.

Wendell doesn't have too many friends, but surprisingly, Shade is one of them. To be fair, Shade knows just about everybody, but these two are actual "see each other on a semi-regular basis" friends. Which is quite surprising considering that they're like night and day. One of the reasons they're friends is because Wendell secretly really likes fast food, but is always terrified of them getting it wrong and having to go up to a minimum wage worker and asking for it to be corrected. He can't do it man. He just can't. So Shade actually has to be the one who goes up and asks for something different, which Wendell really appreciates. It sounds stupid, but their friendship is built on a mutual love for fast food. They talk on video chat often, seeing as Shade lives on the ground and Wendell lives in the Sky Kingdom like most other Stardrops. He fears that his semi-regular visits to land might cause him to be ostracized from other Stardrops, but Shade usually helps him calm down.

As for other Stardrops that Wendell knows, he’s been close with Owlen Graupel ever since a chance meeting with frost in a library when they were young. It took them quite a while to build a relationship as close as it has become, as the both of them are shy Stardrops by nature. Wendell enjoys spending time with Owlen, just doing quiet activities together like reading or baking simple foods. He probably hangs out with Owlen more than any other Stardrop. Over time, he’s developed a crush on frost, though it’s likely that he has no idea that’s what he’s feeling, as Wendell was never really a “romantic” guy. Unable to really understand the emotions, he instead chalks them up to a mix of nervousness and closeness, though he has no idea just why he’d be nervous around someone he’s so close to. Also friends with Arrow, who he met after trying one of Arrow's baked goods at the bakery he works at. Wendell finds it easy to relate to Arrow, though at times they can't help but think that Arrow is too good for them given how talented Arrow is at a lot of things. 

Traits: Fluffy limbs, multiple limbs, rare moon halo, deer special item