Androkles Rosi



1 year, 5 months ago


“My God is the God of Ecstasy... I plan on worshipping him accordingly.”


Full Name: Androkles Rosi 

Age: 30

Species: Satyr

Pronouns: he/him, apathetic 

Brief Synopsis: Growing up in a commune deep on the forest, Androkles (also called Andi) learned the necessary skills to survive very quickly.  These skills, of course, included things like keg stands, playing the lyre, and and staring right through people talking to you while you think about naked girls.  Androkles quickly became a beacon of the spirit of partying hard, eventually receiving a spiritual message from his patron god of choice, Dionysus.  Now, Androkles travels the world as a paladin, spreading the good word about the physical benefits of sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.  He is laid back, extroverted, and often very forgetful, with a concerning lack of morals (though he never intends to hurt others).  Andi can be a lot to handle, so it’s suggested that anyone who encounters him just rolls with the punches.

General Aesthetic: Dionysian

Likes: mead ♥

Dislikes: hangovers ♠

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral