
1 year, 5 months ago



Gender: Female

Age:  1000+ (physically 33)

Race: Dragon kin

Height: 6'3

Occupation: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: collecting gemstones, warm foods, studying ancient magic

Dislikes: humans, bugs, heavy clothing that restricts her movement

Etc: Lucina has learned magic passed down by her ancestors, shadowy magic that allows her to move fast in a black foggy form. She can also assume the form of a dragon


    A dragon kin woman who seems bored, stern, and unapproachable but is actually quite kind and relaxed. Lucina is a single mother who travels with her son, Percival, preferring to hop from place to place rather than settle down somewhere. She has excellent survival skills and is knowledgeable on many things including ancient civilizations and magic practices. Lucina was thrown out by her family at a young age and has adapted to surviving on her own. When she had Percy, she vowed to never abandon him and always protect him. She loves him more than anything and would surely unleash rage upon anyone who dared hurt him. Lucina became pregnant with Percy after finding partnership with a human, who left her as soon as she found out she was pregnant. She was forced to deal with her pregnancy and raise Percy all on her own. Being abandoned so many times has lead Lucina to keep her distance from humanity, and merely observe rather than become part of it.