Sadie "Barlow" Jones



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info






Red Angus Cow


Rancher + more


Mostly Gay


Sadie is a famous rancher with a slight 'lifestyle' celebrity reputation. There's nowhere you can go in the city where you don't see her face plastered on a billboard. She holds tours to her farm on a fairly frequent basis, but there's always a patron or two that goes missing before the visit is over. Townsfolk like to say they stayed behind to work for her, but no one really knows the truth.

Sadie grew up with serious expectations placed on her by her father, back when he used to call her "Ray". She never had any interest in taking up the family farm, but quickly changed her mind in high school. Always had a drive to be famous, and seeing the reputation her family business commanded, it became an easy vehicle for stardom. It wasn't originally her idea; the dumb pig she grew up with in high school was the one to give it to her, and she took it gladly. Her ideas about the ranch were a bit different than her Pa's, though, and she was only really able to catapult to fame after he was conveniently out of the way. It was only a quick ride from there to expanding the empire into multiple venues that pour down revenue like a fountain. Nevertheless, she stays 'humble', choosing to live in a cozy, small cabin (that no one has the address to besides Tanner) instead of some 'high-falutin' mansion, even though she could afford it.

Tanner is her only real close friend, and it helps that they're functionally business partners. Their relationship is... unconventional.

Sometimes when she visits the city, she seeks out Mitch just to taunt him. She's convinced one day he'll snap and act out, but she's also convinced she can take him should the need arise.

Feels like a dog on a leash towards her managers and agent.

Has a bit of a pet-play aspect. She likes her underlings and employees to dress a very particular way, and those that work for her outside the public eye have an even more unusual uniform.

Not jealous, but definitely protective. A bit of a mama bear.

Relationships to Others

Doesn't really know anyone personally outside of Mitch and Tanner. She's too far removed from the local community.

Mitch: Stupid brat. Doesn't know how to take a joke. Revels in the fact that she's taller, hotter, and better than him in general.

Tanner: Best friend and trusted accomplice. She helps her sustain her empire, and in turn, gives Tanner access to new hunting targets.