Stormy Waves Lapis



1 year, 5 months ago


worth: 10$

storm is a very laid back and chill lapis, suoer into earth and human activies, kike eating and sleeping, even a bit of partying, she can come off a bit intimidating at first though, as she often has a deadpan expression when she isnt around people/staring off into space. Storm is very close friends with cloudy, another lapis, she cares lots about cloudy, and helps cloudy get out of her shell more and talk with others. Storm knows how hard it can be for cloudy to communicate with others, so is always patient with her, and has learned to just tell what cloudy wants by her expressions, she encourages cloudy to go out more, as she knows cloudy wants to talk with others more, but always makes sure not to pressure her, and if she notices cloudy becoming overwhelmed will gently guide her away to a quieter area.

storm knows cloudy has a major crush on her, as despite cloudy trying to hide it, its as clear as day to storm. Storm also very much is in love with cloudy, but wants to see if perhaps cloudy will gain the confidence to confess herself, Storm tries her best to drop hints to cloudy she likes her back to help her realize.