Maera Laeliare



1 year, 4 months ago


Maera Laeliare

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 20 (pré-eclipse) | 25 (after eclipse)

DoB August 10th 1428

Sign Leo

S.O. Straight

Race Human

Status Deceased

Alignment Neutral Good

Occupation Princess / Queen

Always Mine

Thomas Begersen

"When a Laeliare gets born, God itself flips a coin to hope they're not gonna be pure madness. Cause, if they are, they shall take everything they desire by fire. And most importantly : blood."


  • Guts
  • Lanael
  • Ramel
  • Dragons
  • Archery
  • Being free
  • Food


  • Griffiths
  • Lance
  • Royal Duties
  • MidLand


  • Dragon riding
  • Archery
  • Practicing hunting
  • Cooking
  • Reading


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




DOm. hand

ISTJ-T (Content)




Secondary Character



Spirit animal

Berserk (Horror-Dark Fantasy)











Quirks & Habits

Though she doesn't possess lots of quirks, the princess Maera 1st of her name is deeply attached to the notion of freedom. This includes her duties as a royal. She prefers to be over her dragon's back instead of respecting her responsibilities as a noble. She also tends to disappear days long for the sake of her dragon rides.

Communication skills

Thanks to her confidence, Maera doesn't lack of communication skill and isn't specially scared to speak out her mind; Although not the best idea when you're a member of royalty, and moreover the nobles. The princess is maybe a bit too honest with others... And herself. She often shocks the people with what comes through her mind and how brutal she can be. She's also sarcastic.

Showing affection

Maera's uses of actions instead of words to show off affection. Though she does say if she likes someone or not, she doesn't lie either to people or herself. If she doesn't appreciate someone, chances are she'll try to get rid of that person as soon as possible, and if she does like them : to keep them closer by kindly asking them.




Cherry Juice


Ramel's / Vanilla











Time of day


Clothing item



Airy music





Height 158 (5'2)

Weight 51kgs (112lbs)

Build Hourglass

Face shape Soft round.

Hair Very Long

Color scheme Black-Purple-Blue

Main aesthetic Royal-Dragon

Clothing style Noble

Facial features

Maera is known in all the realms to be one of the fairest women of it all. She has a soft round face with purple eyes and black eyelashes that enhance the size of them. Her hair is long until the end of her back and wavy to curly whilst her lips are full and extremely pink.

Body Features

A rumour about Maera was that she was moleless, scarless, markless, freckleless. She had the fairest and most perfect skin without a blemish. She possessed a white canvas that surpassed a lot the reputation of Princesse Charlotte's. People told she had child bearing hips alongside a round and large chest that got often uplifted by the forced usage of a corset. Although others claimed she used to walk in clothes traditional to the Laeliare and mostly : the dragonriders. As time went by, Maera grew careless about how her people perceived her, and started to wear pants instead of dresses, even when she wasn't on Ramel's back. Though she remained extremely feminine and took extremely care of herself.


The Laeliare bear the tradition of wearing clothes that resemble the scales of their dragons. In th case of Ramel, it's black, purple and the last very few of them are blue. She doesn't restrain herself in terms of undergarments and so on, privileging comfort over pain to maintain an image she doesn't even care about.

  • Backless dresses
  • Front-Opened Dress
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Puffy dresses
  • Dragon scales-made clothes
  • Dragon fang necklace
  • Anything related to MidLand




Born a Laeliare in 1428, Maera is next to the egg of Ramel at the very second of her life. The dragon hatching almost at the same time Queen Amaerys had let her last ached breath out of her mouth while her body rested from giving life. Maera's childhood had always been rather bright as she was known as "King Laenar's delight". Whenever her name was mentioned into the case of succession, Laenar would brush the topic off as he did not want to put his daughter into such things so young. Young, Maera was already close to Mavor, one of her cousins. Though the latter never understood her love for Dragons, has they terrified her deeply. Maera was a reckless, curious and free-spirit as a child, and is still as an adult. Lots of people claimed she'd do all the bad life choices as a grown-up, but the ones who dared to whisper such words often lost their tongues due to the sharp sword of King's Laenar, before being fed to the beasts.

As soon she and Ramel were big enough, they'd go on rides together to eat snacks on the top of a hill and look at the stars together. They were always beside one another and bonded like sisters over the years. Ramel is definitely Maera's bestfriend, and so is she. She would sometimes be found in her pit, asleep against her. Maera would also often tell stories to Ramel to entertain her. While, the Dragon kept listening to her.

As a teen

As a teen which would be considered her fourteen to seventeen candles, Princess Maera was considered to be frivolous and even debauched by some due to the rumours of her giving her maidenhood to a knight she deeply cared about at a certain time. if not even a folk from a village she got attached to. She then got questioned if she still was valued enough to be queen, and the King made the assumptions shut when his sweet girl started to cry saying if she was a boy, she could father dozens of bastard on a single whim, and that she didn't ask being born a woman. Although he did give her a tea that'd assure an abortion if she ever got pregnant from it, which would awake the rumours about her. Princess Charlotte always disliked her, saying she tarnished the reputation of noble girls and how misbehaved she was. Even "wild" and raised amongst "beasts".

Once, King Laenar and King of Midland met, and the latter joked halfways as he told Laenar that, if men raped his daughter, she would never try to get laid again. King Laenar answered by saying if his men ever came to hurt his child, he'd feed his to Farnel. Since then, all the King of Midland did, was to diss out King Laenar for being a bad monarch.

Adulthood (pré-Eclipse)

At 19-20, Princess Maera met Guts the Mercenary and member of Team Hawks due to a mission granted by Griffith of obtaining the favour of the House of the Dragon. Which meant bringing dragons into the Hawks team. Due to an underlying cold war between Midland and Yis, Maera got betrothed to Lance, a proud prince of the North who swore his devotion to the West if he can marry Princess Maera and bring Dragons into his army as well. As duty wants, Laenar accepted the match and promised his daughter to the Prince. Although, behind doors, Guts and Maera fell for one another slowly and had an ongoing relationship nobody knew off except Ramel.

War came and Yis, Balden and Midland, whom alliance with Randel was a certainity, fought against Balden and Yis. The Dragons won over the army and numerous loss were noticed. After the War, Guts and Maera had to part ways, but what Maera hid to Guts to not keep him to close to her and disrespect her father, was that she was pregnant. A month far. The Princess Maera then announced her pregnancy to the rest of the world, claiming it was Lance's child. While, of course... It wasn't.


6 years later, Maera is the mother of Lanael II of his name, also called Nael for short. A bastard, although claimed no such by his own grandfather and pretended "father". King Laenar was close to a passing, and it was the moment Guts came back to see Maera and asks for her help with Casca's condition. He met then the boy, proceeding to ask Maera if she finally came to love his father. The latter answered that "yes, I really do love him. He was a brilliant knight for me." Guts then claimes he can't be his father, he didn't have the life for that. Nor the attitude. To which Maera never asked him to be. By saying so, she confirms Lanael is indeed Guts's son.

Shortly after her father's passing and coronation, Queen Maera Laeliare Ist of her Name, goes into research for a remedy to help Casca's condition. But seems to be blocked at the early stage of doing so, because of the curse put on her and Guts. Casca would eventually confront the Dragon Queen as she went jealous of her bond with guts and the relationship they had once shared. Including their son in the discussion. Maera then says past is past, and that, although she still loves Guts with all her heart : she would never ever keep him like a prisoner, just for the sake of being in love with him. Which Casca respects, at it reminds her how Griffith used to act towards Guts about possessivity and psychopathy. A few weeks after, Apostles attacks the Blacksword Team with Griffith on the lands of Midland. Unfortunately, Maera got wounded by one of the demons, while the one to finish her off was Griffith. The last thing the Queen saw and heard, was Guts telling her to stay awake and to not let it go. That she had their boy to raise. Whilst she got to ask Ramel to protect her boy. Queen Maera's body then got burnt as the tradition wants by her Dragon, and her boy had been put to safety at Dragonspit within all the dragons.








Tactic Distant

Attitude Support

Distance Big distance

Weapon Bow

Fighting style

The Laeliare are known to be fighters since the beginning of their reign and their conquest of Yis. They fight alongside their dragons, and it isn't uncommon to see the latters serve the children and grandchildren of their first owner. (Due to their aging, up to 450 years old, three hundred years old being considered as middle-aged). They fight mostly as distant fighters, though some of them are used of swords and shields. The Laeliare possesses over 15 dragons to ride and Ramel is the only one who projects black fire. Due to her larger jaws considering her size, it is said she can swallow up a mammoth without real struggles. Therefore, the army of the Laeliare are supported by their flying friends. Maera is a dragonrider and an archer as well. Her family is known to have bonded with blood magic and according to a rumour, which nobody knows if said truth or not, the Laeliare would possess 1% of dragonblood. Always transmitted through generations, though not all of them specially bonds with dragons. Indeed, Maera told Guts some are afraid of them. Like her cousin Mavor. Who was so terrified of dragons, that she asked her parents no to see theirs. Maera is well-known for her skills in archery, but also to be a sword wielder when necessary in plus of knowledge in dragon magic. Laeliare' are also well-known for their nature of being fire-proof. Which means no parts of their bodies (meaning hair, body hair, nails and so on) can be burnt as well.


  • Archery
  • Distance fight
  • Air fights
  • Fire impermeability


  • Any lethal weapon
  • Poison
  • Close-Range fights
  • Magic


Maera is known for her skills with a bow. She's been called "the dragon's daughter who never misses" whenever she's been thrown into battle or needed to be so. She's also a great strategist when it comes to air fights and defenses related to that.

Sword Fight


Though she does master the bow and arrow, Maera does not specially shine when it comes to wield a sword. She knows the basics and can defend herself at best if necessary, but couldn't use it as a go-to way to fight against her enemies.

Dragon Fire
Natural Element


The specialty of the Laeliare'. Although projected by the dragons, the fire of Ramel can melt until steel and stone, and she never hesitated to use it on humans either if Maera asked for it. Or to defend the Laeliare' soils as well as the family. Or even anyone she thought deserved to be saved. When Maera passed, Ramel burnt an entire town of the size of Wyndham in just one breath. The fire of Dragons is devastating and is considered to be one of the biggest threat that ever crossed Midland. Though, everybody tends to keep an eye on the beasts. Some even admired their capacities and attempted to steal newborn dragons from the Dragonpit, but none actually achieved that, as either Ramel or Farnel (or both) kept the Dragonpit alongisde the army. Griffiths lusted after that fire, knowing perfectly that, if he could get all dragons for himself, he would inevitably win over the governance of Midland.

Dragon Weaponry
Misc. / Dragon Magic


Thanks to their bond with the dragons, Laeliare' can use of dragon magic at some extent. They tend to lose their scales as they grow into adults, but this information is relatively important when you know how solid even young dragon scales are. More than any common weapon that is used in Midland. Plus, the scales of the dragons tend to get heaten up quickly, causing unused hands to get burnt or shocked at the temperature of the latters. Therefore, the weapon masters of the Laeliare forges weaponry from the dragon scales.

Dragon Summoning
Dragon Magic


The bond between Laeliare' and dragons is so strong, they can literally call for their dragons anytime they'd need to, just by the thought of it. Dragons can feel emotions of their loved ones, so Ramel can feel if Maera needs her. She also feels her pain if she ever gets hurt. Which she will want to answer for. They share a telephathic connection.

Dragon Language
Misc. / Dragon Magic


They understand their dragons and their dragons understand them. Although the beasts tend to understand the language of humans thanks to their use of hearing it since generations, Maera gets each growls Ramel gives her. This also works with draconic runes, which she can read.


King Laenar


Maera's father. He is the King of Yis and the husband to Queen Amaerys. Laenar's dragon, Farnel, is Ramel's mother and they both grew very close together. Farnel used to keep an eye on Maera when Laenar could not. When Laenar was on his deathbed, he called Guts to come him and confessed he was the one responsible for Amaerys's death. As he had pushed her boundaries too far, just to have a male heir. He then says he had remorse of that, also telling he does regret the fact he hypocritically attempted to take up on his daughter's birthright by listening what others told him instead of following his instincts. To which Guts claimes it's regrettable, but that he couldn't know at this time. Going until to say that, what made Laenar redeemable was his remorses and regrets, which placed him above lots of humans Guts had known. Following this, Laenar confesses Guts he knows since the beginning that his grandson is a bastard, and certainly not Lance's as Maera claimed when she announced she was with child. Guts, shocked, then asked why he recognized the birthright of the boy then, if he was illegitimate. Laenar answers Guts had the dragon within him. That he was a dragon just as he was. If not the case, he wouldn't have let him near his sweet girl at all.



Maera's sweet mother. Queen Amaerys Ist was known to be a gentle and kind sovereign who loved Dragon Riding as well. Hers was called singer whose the scales were of pure gold as Amaerys's hair and purple eyes. Queen Amaerys and Maera were close mother and daughter's, as she was her only child. When the Queen got pregnant of the child that claimed her life, Maera broke down and blamed her father for her death, as it happened just because of his hand claiming his duty was to produce a male heir. Maera talked about her mother a lot with Guts. Moonfyre, her dragon, lays eggs two times a year and flies around Yis and its Islands to monitor the East does not attempt to invade. Just like Amaerys asked before her passing.



Maera's betrothed. Little is known about Lance except he is somewhat of a "descent" man for a noble. Laenar attempted his best finding a match for his girl, although he could find no better than Guts himself. But what Guts lacked, Lance had it. And it valued more than the sword-wielder. Proud knight, Lance is officially and according to law, the man who fathered Lanael Laeliare. But, deep down, he knows it's untrue. He just doesn't want to accept it. Nonetheless, Lance is deeply jealous of Guts and the trust Maera puts in him, whilst Guts, on his own, tends to dislike Lance as he thinks he's "too boring" for someone like Maera. Who prefers action and is straightforward.



Mavor is Maera's little cousin and the youngest of a sisterhood of six. Which makes her the last one in line. Mavor is deeply anxious and terrified of everything. As kids, Maera used to take care of Mavor a lot. She's her favourite cousin at out them all, though Mavor does not share her affection for the Laeliare's beast. Which Ramel finds deeply vexing. When Maera became Queen, she took Mavor in to take her away from the mockeries from her siblings. It was Guts who told her of Maera's passing and she broke down on her knees when she understood she'd never see her cousin again. Thus, after, she decided on taking care of Lanael though the thought of bearing the responsibility of a kid terrified her profoundly.



  • Maera's name derives from the Ancient Greek “marmaírō (μᾰρμαίρω)”, meaning “to flash, sparkle, glisten, gleam”. Maira or Maera, in Greek mythology, was the nymph of the dog-star Seirios whose rising in conjunction with the sun brought on the scorching heat of midsummer. Like the Pleiades and Hyades, Maira was a starry daughter of the Titan Atlas. She married a mortal king, the Arkadian Tegeates..
  • Maera claimed to Guts that, though she would be down to become Queen if necessary, she wouldn't go for this position by herself because of the amount of maturity it takes. She also said she was comfortable as a princess, or more precisely : that she finds this position comfortable.
  • Maera knows how to calm Guts from his rage outbursts and what to say. She's also straightforward and isn't scared of pushing his boundaries just to test him and confront his traumas. At first, he did not appreciate that, until he understood it was her way of helping him figuring his life out and prepare him for the time she wouldn't be by his side anymore. When she died, Guts held her close and thanked her.


  • Compared to her father who is known to be laid-back and peaceful King, Maera defends her interests and the ones of her realm like the dragon she is. She isn't scared to threat the King of Midland nor to burn random places of the realm like hills and so on just to remind not to attack the Laeliare' and their lands.
  • Once, she went on dragonback herself to Wyndham to talk with the King, where Griffiths, the Hawks, Charlotte and Casca were. With Guts as well. The King had sent the head of one of their oldest soldiers at the castle. Maera was so angered, she climbed on Ramel despite Guts warning not to go, without a word, Maera took Guts with her and then placed herself in front of The King with her dragon surrounding her as a threat. She then aimed at one of his soldiers and shoot three arrows in a row which did hit head, heart and cock, killing the man on spot. She then smiled and said "A debt had to be paid. So I did." As a last warning, she made Ramel throw black fire in the skies like rain, which urged the inhabitants of Wyndham, the Hawks and royals to hide in during the even known as the "Blackfire Showers of Wyndham".
  • At first, Guts thought inevitably that Maera was a damsel in distress who needed to be protected and saved. It rapidly turned out he was wrong, and that it was no randomness Griffith choose him to do this mission of an alliance between the Hawks and the Laeliare'. Later on, Guts judged it'd be devastating for Griffiths to get an hand on the dragonriders, considering the power of their fire and the way they fought.


  • Maera doesn't like Charlotte and Vice-Versa. Once, she said "Tell Princess Charlotte, whose father likes to fuck little girls, if not his own, that, if she goes on speaking about me again, I'll have my dragon wretch her porcelain skin and then burn all she cares about. Her seventeen candle shall be the last one she'll ever blow off."
  • Princess Maera does not like receptions and dancing. She also never forced Guts to change into formal clothes whatsoever but comfortable ones from the Laeliare'.
  • It's the first time Yis has a Queen and not a King to reign directly and not secondarily as Sovereign. Although her Reign was the shortest.


  • Maera is made to cause further parallels between Guts and Griffiths. Guts had the healthy relationship while Griffiths remained in a toxic one with Charlotte (due to his own shenanigans.)
  • Maera has lots of parallels with Casca, but is a lot more of a polar-opposite voluntarily.
  • Maera's whole aesthetic is made to make her feel like an "outcast" to classic Midlandic's Aesthetic due to the Realm's independance.


Ex-Lovers | Friends

Maera and Guts are ex-lovers, they fell in love during Guts's mission at Yis where he met Maera. After the war against Midland over, Guts and Maera parted ways and remained good friends. She had a son from him, who is unbeknownst to Guts. They met again six years later when Guts sought Maera's help for Casca's condition. He crowned her as well when the King passed. Later on, Maera dies from Griffith's hand due to his jealousy towards the bond she shared with Guts. The Blacksword Man blames himself dearly for that. His only thought was that, if he never came to seek for her help, maybe she'd still be here and her son would still possess his mother beside him.

Friend / Bond / Sister-Like relationship

Ramel is Maera's Dragon. She looks like her human : made of purple and black. Maera and Ramel are the closest as they can be. And they'd be even more if possible. Ramel feels everything Maera can feel, and they understand each other as every Laeliare can thanks to their gift of understanding draconic. When Guts appeared in Maera's life, Ramel was at first protective and wary of him, and then grew to like him when she understood he was no harm to her dearest mistress. The she-dragon likes Maera giving her pets and cuddles, she often called her to sleep with her in her dragonpit for comfort. As a small dragon, she used to cook Maera's meat with her fire. When the latter passed away due to Griffiths, she burnt the body of the Princess as the tradition wants, despite being heartbroken and not wanting to do so. She then bursted into a rage in which she burnt the totality of the town close to their position as well as the monsters and demons that surrounded the group of the Blacksword Team. Ramel growled against Guts with all she had, frustrated and angered he couldn' t protect Maera. She then proceeded to protect and take care of Lanael : Maera's son. Which she then became the dragon of.


Lanael also called Nael for short, is the illegimate son of Guts and Maera. Born a bastard from a knight and a princess, Lanael is thankfully mostly spared from the mockeries and other atrocities from the nobles, thanks to the fact Maera was in the very early stage of pregnancy when she got married to Lance. His mother and him were insanely close and she protected him more than anything. Though Maera never told him about the Blacksword man being his dad. When Maera passed, Ramel told the boy she was just "gone to sleep" and, after they settled the matter, took him or a ride in the sky to make him forget as much she could. The she-dragon became his after his mother's death. Prince Lanael will become Prince of Yis when he'll reach ten years old.

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