(Unofficial) Kylo




Be still, my lovely...
Name: Kylo
Nicknames: Mad Sorcerer
Age: ???
D.O.B.: ???
Gender: Male
Orientation: ???
Height: 7'
Race: Fallen Cappari (Abbadon)
Role: Freak
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♡ Personality - A vile, selfish, obsessive individual. He has no sense of personal space or qualms when it comes to manhandling others. Kylo may often find things funny when he shouldn't, laughing and muttering incoherently, especially when a doll tries to threaten him.

♡ Appearance - ???

♡ Background - Originally a normal Cappari, he fell after an obsession with another drove him to look into dark magic and transform them into a doll so they could be together forever. The doll was siezed by his victim's friends and he spent the next year mourning, becoming more broken. He eventually found an abandoned mansion and began his collection, turning those he encounters into living dolls regardless of who or what they are. Kylo became known as The Mad Sorcerer once he stole enough people.

  • His favorite doll is a Cherubic Cappari made of wood. This is not his first victim.
  • He chooses to turn his victims into dolls out of both personal amusement, spite, and obsession with his first victim.
  • There are certain dolls he keeps locked in his bedroom for napping with. One of them is a Sleeper Mantabu.
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