


1 year, 5 months ago


cold cold cold

"Why can't there be only kindness in the world?"

Name: Flailbounce
Nickname: n/a
Age: 30+ moons
Gender: Male/Nonbinary (he/they)
Status: Single, looking for someone who's not a relative
Orientation: Demiromantic | Gay
Clan: JasperClan
Rank: Warrior

A good hunter with his slim and long-legged build, Flailbounce is part of the heart of his clan even if he is barely noticable. He always has an open ear for others and spends most of his time giving advice to the apprentices or taking care of the kits.

But he seems to have some baggage himself that he won't share and is not very close to his family, with the exception of a few.


He is always around to take care of others and be there for them, easily able to understand their emotions and empathisize with them and a great advice giver. Though he never really stands in the limelight, laying low in the background instead. Most cats don't seem to appreciate his existence but he doesn't mind. He's a bit of a softie and tends to be rather contemplative and quiet, appreciating in turn the bustle and hustle in camp that keeps him from thinking too much.

Scarred by how his mother Hailheart raised him, Flailbounce has very low self-confidence and is a bit of a pushover, taking insults as they come and not expressing himself much, keeping everything inside as he is quite conscious of his actions and behavior and very careful, even cautious. Despite that he's actually quite emotional, just good at surpressing them until he's alone. His face often betrays his nervousness though.


  • His clan mates
  • Helping others
  • Hustle and bustle in camp
  • Too much silence
  • Talking about his childhood
  • Exposing himself too much

  • Doesn't have much of an appetite most of the time and thus rarely eats.
  • Was close to his dead mother but it would've probably changed if she lived.
  • Takes a lot after his mother Hailheart in terms of appearance - doesn't like being compared to her though.
Design Notes

  • Doesn't have tufts, just split ear tips.
  • Star-shaped pupils are optional, but they do have to be white.
  • Mole under his eye is optional since I might remove it or even add some.
  • Eyelashes can be either bluish white or blue-black but he has to have eyelashes.

Flailbounce is taller than average but seems appears smaller as he doesn't stand up-right most of the time, cowering instead. Generally he's built rather slim and lean, a lot more on the thinner side of his family. Though part of it also stems from his lack of appetite most days.

He has short, white fur with a silky texture and is covered in silver patches with black bengal spots - those mostly appear on his back though, his face being rather free of any spots if one ignores the ones at top of his head. One of his brows is dark blue and his face is adored with light blue eyes, long eyelashes and a dark nose. The inside of his ears is white.



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Quisque a orci sollicitudin, volutpat ipsum in, pellentesque libero. Integer venenatis facilisis fringilla. Donec accumsan suscipit leo, vel rutrum tellus elementum ac.

Fusce auctor nisi diam, id molestie neque dapibus nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed nulla sem, consequat eu nulla eu, varius venenatis diam. Morbi ante lorem, mollis a odio a, mollis faucibus lorem. Nam ac commodo tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Hailheart mother

His mother disliked him a lot and she let him feel that, always criticizing, always shouting at him to do better to be acknowledged - that is, if he wasn't ignored. Especially as a child he was neglected a lot, no matter how much he tried to gather attention on himself. Someday he simply learned to not expect any love from her anymore. Her death at Coyotekite's claws did not exactly make him happy, but he didn't feel much grief either.


She died in his childhood after eating poisoned prey but he was very close to her as she protected and took care of him when Hailheart did not. Her watching down on him did help him carry on and to continue to take care of himself.

Despite that their personalities would probably have clashed someday if she had stayed alive, estranging them from one another.

Coyotekite big sister

Though not very close to her when they were still children, Flailbounce does like his big sister a lot, even if she does not feel the same way. In her eyes he is inconsequential but in his she's simply admirable. Might have something to do with the fact that she was the one to kill Hailheart.

After she is taken by twolegs and the clan proclaims her for dead, he is grief-stricken. But something seems to be wrong.

Dustlily big sister

He doesn't have anything against her, likes her a bit even. But they don't have a very close relationship and rarely speak to each other. She's less a sister and more of a clan mate for him.

Ferndaisy big sister

His relationship with Ferndaisy is as non-existent as his with Dustlily - they are clan mates and he does not dislike her but that's it.

Rowanears big sister

They were okay with each other and could talk comfortably, one of the few relatives throughout the clan that he could actually normally talk to. Sadly she succumbed to snake poison and though he was not devastated, he did grieve.

Frondclaw sister

His sister of the same litter. He does like her, she is actually one of his siblings that he can comfortably talk with.

But they are not extremely close either.

Halfstem brother

Their personalities seem to clash whenever they meet, basically destroying any chance for them to ever be close. That was apparent when they were kids and as they grew older it just became more and more distinct. Halfstem looks down on Flailbounce and Flailbounce is uncomfortable with his brother's brutality. Doesn't make it better that Halfstem was Hailheart's favorite.

Flailbounce does like his brother, he simply is uncomfortable around him and would never trust to turn his back to him. Halfstem on the other hand doesn't directly hate his brother but he does dislike his weak personality. But their relationship seems to get better as time goes on.

Barleygorse sister

She is his sister, that much is true, but one can not call them close. In fact Flailbounce does try to avoid having much contact with her as he is uncomfortable being with her. With her flamboyant personality and gorgeous looks she simply finds attention wherever she goes and he does not want to be part of that.

Their relationship suffers a lot due to him hiding from the limelight.