


1 year, 5 months ago


Full name: Seth Rhodes

God Tier: Lord of Mind

Pronouns: He/him (human session), he/it (current session)

Apart of a fan session/story made with friends.

Was the Mind player and served in the leader role for the group that he was playing SBURB with. Noted primarily for how normal he was in comparison to everybody else within the session. For a while, he tried to be an optimistic leader as he grew more into the role to them. It didn't end well since most of his peers were assholes and he was privvy to exactly how awful they were. It wasn't long before Seth eventually went off the deep-end himself. After ascending as the Lord of Mind, he works with the Doom and Void player of his session to make sure they can preserve their and their teammates' existences by using his abiliities to send everyone in a vegetative state.

In the current session that he's been watching, he's the only one who was meant to wake up. He had not accounted for the Muse of Heart to wake up as well though. For now, his goal has been finding out about the new world and communicating with the new session players under his last name "Rhodes".

His Chumhandle is castlingStalemate. His typing style is nothing special. Most of his statements are blunt and he rarely uses punctuation bar hard stops. During the human session, he had a tendency of using run-on sentences despite his proper grammar. It was also REALLY easy to tell when he was annoyed.

  • 16 years old by the time the human session starts
  • Based off of isekai protagonists - in that he's the most normal guy and being in SBURB is basically like being sent to another world. He serves as the leadership role and eventually rises up to gain an immense and great power. However, unlike other isekai protagonists, he isn't as lucky and he starts to lose the attempt at optimism as the further the session goes on.
  • Has a weird obessesion with cubes, especially Rubik's cubes. He has a bunch of unfinished ones in a drawer.