Icarus Panathos



1 year, 5 months ago


I loved you as Icarus loved the Sun, Too Close, Too Much, Too Brief
Icarus Panathos
Sunchild, Golden Boy
27 Years
21st of Dal’durn, 3049 ME
Plumekin Aasimar
Common-Tongue, Celestial, Draconic, Elven
Sunflowers and Roses
Elements of Light and Sun
  • Soft Clothes
  • Music
  • Wildflowers
  • Gentle Sea Breezes
  • Being Lied To
  • Rough Waters
  • Harsh Words
  • Impatient People

Backstory: Icarus Panathos was born from the joining of a celestial and an elven high priestess. Despite not being frowned upon traditionally, he was seen as a bastard child from a supposedly “virgin” high priestess and the celestial who caused her to stray from her path. So the story of Icarus became known as “The Folly of Mortals” (the story of his mother) and “Helionitus’ Fall From Grace” (His father’s story). After his secretive birth, he was separated from his mother and brought into the care of priests to be raised as a “blessing child” never to be told the true nature of his birth. However the young aasimar was as curious and bright eyed as he was charismatic, and was often scolded for his flamboyant personality. Years later the monastery was raided when the boy was about 9, and the colorful young aasimar was taken as an exotic slave, who eventually won his freedom as a performer around his 16th birthday. During this time he had found a love of dancing and singing, and became a local favorite, taking of the trade as a traveling performer with a troupe by the name of “Lux Intus” (The Light Within). He traveled with them for nearly a decade, and in his tenth year they boarded a vessel for their longest journey yet, but fate was against them. Far out at sea their ship was ambushed by pirates, and those who weren’t killed immediately were captured. Icarus was the only one who was able to captivate and win over the pirates enough for them to spare, and later, induct him into their crew. He became their charismatic performer, diplomat, and a rather successful distraction during raids. Now that his crew, and captain, have been taken in by the law, he is once again lost, which is where you find him, at around 27 years of age with many a story to tell.

  • /> Design Notes
  • His warm, tan, almost glowing skin is adorned with flecks of gold that seem to freckle his face and body, especially around his shoulders.
  • His wings, while feathered, bare the shape and coloration of the Old World Swallowtail butterfly, albeit with a metallic sheen.
  • His claws and nails are a soft ivory color, while his obsidian black hair holds beautiful gold streaks, as if flecks of gold leaf were dusted over his head.
  • Despite having more avian like feet, the soft golden scales that adorn his legs pair well with his tanned skin as it fades into a darker obsidian scales.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.