Moth Pearl




One of Titanium Diamond's four personal attendants, regardless of her partial "mutation".

Completely devoted to her Queen's every whim, she's perfectly at ease with working alongside her friends and fellow pearls Peaseblossom, Cobweb, and Mustardseed. Most of the time she remains silent, and when she does speak it's usually to agree with her three friends, often by repeating their same sentences.

She likes company, but she also doesn't crave much attention and is content with entertaining herself with little games and chats between one duty performed and the other. She especially loves anything that has to do with lights.

Moth is an excellent dancer, and prefers to entertain the court like that rather than singing. He's graceful even when just gesturing or walking.

Also nicknamed "Prince White"; uses mostly she/her and occasionally he/him pronouns.

He's incredibly light and his wings are functional, allowing her to fly if she so desires.