Nystrom's Comments

Nabi's name: Einvala

Pronouns: they/them

Magic: Telekinesis, stronger when interacting with metals

About: Kithood for Einvala was quiet and uneventful. Eventually, they’d grown to crave more than the sanctity of their home. Einvala had always been an adventurer. Their love for the discovery of new fueled their passion to travel. Ein doesn’t tend to stick around one place for very long, but they do cycle through their list of visited places. They are known to bring gifts- typically stones they believe possess healing properties to their loved ones. Einvala believes stones are sacred- and regards them nearly as sacred as metals. As they journey, they collect stones in a satchel they carry with them always. 

Their regard for stones and metals is something they hold close, and they see this as an extension of Salkarism, a practice they only recently discovered and immediately felt connection to its values. Ein wishes to find others who share their beliefs, to discuss the depth of importance that the materials they walk among hold. 

Name: Nystrom

Pronouns/Gender: Transmale (He/Him)

Magic: None (Was Born with Magic)


Ny was born with Magic like most other nabis. Though as time has gone on....he has forgotten what those powers used to be. When he was a young man, Ny offered himself to a scientist looking to make peoples ills better. He had a long history of sicknesses throughout his lifetime, even though he was just a young adult. He was desperately hoping for the scientist, Atlas, to help him surpass his sickness so he could be the strong warrior he wanted to be, fighting for his kingdom and using his ability of flight to give his people an advantage in war.

But instead, Atlas stole his powers, as well as Ny's memories, leaving him even weaker than before. The Nabi found himself without the one thing keeping him strong....well at least that was his assumption. Determined to get to the man who destroyed him, Nystrom began to train harder than ever. 

His powers....even though he couldn't remember what they were, were his. How dare this man take advantage of him and take what belonged to him...take the thing that gave him hope. After long hours of training and growing profienct with a blade and his wings, Nystrom set sail with a strange looking Nabi called Masterpiece and his mate Wyclef, who seemed to have as much of an even stronger grudge than he had.

So off they go....on a quest to bring down the one that took their hopes and dreams away from them....with Nystrom unaware that even without his powers...he grows stronger than he thought was ever capable of him....and an underlying threat that maybe the Magic was actually the thing killing him the entire time.

Congrats, you won!

Nabi's name: Pluto PrickLace

Pronouns: He/Him

Magic: His gaze can cause the inflicted with extreme pain for a few moments, causing them to become enraged and unable to discern friend from foe. He must focus to achieve this, as it is not something that is caused without his intention.


Pluto has always felt powerful from being able to cause others around him to turn on everyone and everything. At a young age, he survived an outlaw attack by focusing on the leader of the group and piercing him with maddening pain, causing the group to fight and allow him to escape.

Because of this ability, he's risen as a dangerous member of Mesa's gang, usually as a necessity for towns that don't co-operate or a town whose lawmen are particularly prickly about Mesa owning the land they protect. See how they feel after going on a frenzied attack on the townsfolk...