Andrea Slash



1 year, 5 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Woman, She/Her  

Species: Human 

Abilities: None

Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic 

Age: Mid 20’s 

Personality: Andrea has a tendency to be vengeful and harsh at times, but she has her reasons. She's tactical and thinks things through, and is generally very observant. She's very good at what she chooses to do, opting to hone her skills in certain areas instead of being a wildcard. Andy doesn't trust easily at all, and can let her trust issues get in the way of making proper friends anymore. She seldom lets her guard down around people unless she's okay with them (namely Disco, he's her best friend).

Story Summary: Her mother and sister were killed in an Ice Storm raid, leaving just her and her dad alone after. It's a sore subject, devastating her and causing her to be vengeful. She wants to see the end of the Ice Storms in her lifetime and has taken it upon herself to silently work and destroy bases one at a time with help from anyone that wants to help. Alongside that, to fund her "vigilantism", she is a freelance assassin of sorts and takes random other jobs to make money. She keeps that all from her dad, who she lives with. She met Disco along the way, and managed to get him to work with her against the Ice Storms, especially when Connla was missing. They made a friendship out of it and she  is grateful for the trio of birds, even if she has a hard time being around Connla sometimes.