Isoflore Zhāng



1 year, 5 months ago


Closed species OC part of the Strixia world owned by

Species - Hypnoid

Name - Isoflore Zhāng (pronounced "ee-soh-flor-ay" "jhayng??? i dont know how to explain how to pronounce his last name")

Nicknames - Iso

Gender - cisgender male (he/him)

Sexuality - Homosexual

Age - 31

Height - 7'2


Iso has a pretty average childhood although was pretty quick to form his obsession with all things bug starting with the bugs in his legs and the centipede in his face. He studied even at a young age about bugs mostly just wanting to learn more about the symbiosis between him and his bugs which were honestly a bit more unique than actual bugs. As he grew older he didn't have many friends but those he did have were very close to him. Ultimately he would end up in college studying to be an entomologist and ended up getting his PHD following a study on his interest in centipedes specifically.

Eventually he would end up with the largest collection of insect specimens in strixia and a world-renowned scientist in the field of entomology. Eventually he would end up working with Lazarus on a new insect-related wing to his museum due to his knowledge and range of specimens that he was going to donate to the museum. While he was there he would end up developing a little crush on the interesting little guardi man.


- faceclaim - Huang Shixin

- his skin is made of porcelain and is very smooth and soft and cool to the touch

- he has colonies of ants, some worms, beetles, insect larvae, dragonflies, damselflies, and some mosquitoes in his legs. On top of this are some bits of plant matter as food for some of the insects. Things are naturally constantly replenished even though nothing is added to his legs. The insects are not immortal and will have a natural life cycle keeping the numbers in his legs liveable and balanced.

- The centipede in his head however is in fact immortal and does not need to eat or molt its exoskeleton like a normal centipede would.

- His faceplate and legs have their own gravity and do not suddenly start spilling everywhere when he moves around.

- He can have only one eye but he finds it aesthetically pleasing to have two.

- He will sometimes emote (using keyboard text) using the screen part of his faceplate

- (NSFW) his penis is 9 inches in length and is a solid object even though it looks like there's a tentacle wrapping around it

- his monocle is magnetized to his ear

- he sometimes wears earrings but they're literally magnets to his ears his ears aren't pierced

- even though his body is made of porcelain it is somehow still soft and plush to the touch

- he's got a slim-fit body type

- his theme is

- he keeps his hands clean and sanitized and constantly wears leather gloves

- when he's tired he'll plug himself into the wall for energy