Cameron Reina



1 year, 5 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Woman, She/Her

Species: Human 

Abilities: Enhanced Function (Artificial) 

Sexuality: Heteromantic, Asexual (But not sex repulsed, is afraid of being touched) 

Age: Late 20’s

Personality: Cameron is a generally closed off and hard person, having been used to a military lifestyle in a different country than the one she resides in now for the majority of her life. She was good at her job, and now has a hard time with everything, especially with her chronic pain that comes from the prosthetic arm. What she's been through has led to her being very quiet as she deals with struggles with ptsd, being ex military, and having agoraphobia. She's not a very emotional person, either. Expressing feelings isn't something she's good at, and often her reaction to anxiety or panic is to shut down but she’s working really hard to change that. If she tries to show love, it's mostly in small ways such as comments and little actions and rarely big actions. However, she does try her best to keep everything under control with meds for her pain and finding hobbies. One of those hobbies is cooking/baking, even if she's one handed a lot of the time, she's gotten good at it.

Story Summary: Cameron grew up in Cleyx Stella essentially in a warzone and was conscripted into the army at a young age, as the CS conscription age was younger than the age of legal adulthood. She breezed through training even at her young age, and did everything that was ordered of her even if that meant running head first into danger. She met Chiyem when she got stationed at a larger base, and the two became friends and eventually started dating while they got moved around together because they were both the best at what they were doing (Her being on the front lines and him on the engineering/tech side). It was during one of these rushes at one of the cities closest to the border with [unnamed country] that she was blown up by a mine set up that she missed, and taken hostage when she couldn’t recover fast enough. While she was a POW, she was experimented on by the other country’s engineers to test out new weapons tech and she ended up with a poorly functioning, weaponized prosthetic arm and foot. The prison she was stuck in was bombed and in the chaos, she was able to escape, in an adrenaline and pain haze and was found by some of CS’ troops. She was considered too medically unstable to continue to act in the military, even if she tried to fight it, Chiyem eventually convinced her that they should just get out of the country in the first place. They now live in Sidoria, and after getting set up with moving and getting real medical help for Cameron and mental health help for both of them, Chiyem proposed. They’re in no hurry to have the wedding, though, seeing as it’s so far just them and a few friends they’ve made, since they have no family in Sidoria or even really in CS.