Roscoe T. Delancie



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Personal OC (NOT FOR TRADE), deceased






Formerly human, poltergeist/Shiny Drifblim?


Male (transgender)


June 2nd, 1876 (142 years old)

Date of death

June 6th, 1894

Body type

Average (Height: 5'8")


Personality: Supportive, goofy, a bit of a raging memelord. Basically the dad friend of the group.
Backstory: Roscoe moved to America with his parents when he was four years old, mainly since his father was looking for work and ended up finding a promising job overseas. In life, he was something of a prodigy, managing to graduate medical school at about the age of 16, and becoming one of the better doctors in the country at the time. It was a year or so after that he met his wife, Sylvia, and another year after that when they'd conceived their only child (Russel). Sadly, Roscoe died on the day of his son's birth, thanks to complications in a surgery he'd had a few days prior.
For years after his passing, Roscoe roamed the country, trying to keep up with how the world was changing around him. Death had taken away most of his memories, leaving him an air-headed shell of his former self for the most part (he got better), as well as an insidious curse rearing its ugly head not long after his passing, turning him into a rampaging, centipede-like beast on the night of his birthday (hasn't gotten better from that yet). Somewhere along the way, he was able to find the spirits of his son, and eventually his wife--and in the process of the latter, finally regaining what memories he'd lost.
Nowadays, though, he resides in a control tower in [REDACTED], Massachusetts, managing surveillance for his "boss". He also has a side job as an amateur shitposter filmmaker, and dabbles in tinkering/robotics as a hobby.