Marque Tito



6 years, 2 months ago


Age: 25

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 28

Height: 5'4

Sexuality: Gay

Appearance: Undercut, dark brown (shaved part) and blonde-orange ombre slightly wavy long part, grey eyes, dark thin chinstrap, collarbone piercings, wears polo shirts, often doesn't wear a shirt at all. 

Song: Up In Smoke - Hollywood Undead

Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier

Marque is a lazy, apathetic angel with little regard for others. He is the angel of fire and retribution and so does enjoy destroying things, but mostly destroys himself. 

Smokes too much and loves whiskey, particularly scotch. Likes to burn things, finding it cathartic, and has destructive tendencies towards what he hates, but at the same time is very protective of the Angels and Archangels.Can be obnoxious, rude, and sullen, but sometimes outgoing and flirtatious.

  • In charge of: life and death, illness. Poison, and deadly animals. The afterlife. Evil and immorality. Greed, impatience. Making mistakes and fixing them. Destruction. Power.  Ambition. Protection. Destroyed the undesirable parts of Offstreet.
    Element: Fire.
    Associated colour: Orange
    In his hands: The Lighter
  • Season: Autumn
  • Power: to destroy