Hex Auder



6 years, 1 month ago


Age: 18

Gender: Agender

Birthday: June 6

Height: 6'3

Sexuality: unknown/asexual

Appearance: Short coarse, messy ginger hair. Hazel eyes. Thin face, very freckly, muscled frame. Rough, sunburned and calloused skin. Wears scruffy clothing; jeans, scuffed boots, t shirts.

Song: A Walk Through Hell - Say Anything

Headlock - Imogen Heap

Hex only really cares for a few things. Their sister, Cicely; Their carer, Brack; and gardening. Other than this they can be rude and contrary, liking to keep to themself. 

Hex doesn't make friends easily, and tends to be very distrustful of people they don't know well. They are also pretty reactionary, and can end up using violence if provoked (easily.) Despite this, they are protective of the few people they know best, and can go great lengths to protect those people.

Hex likes gardening and getting their hands dirty, but they also love hanging around laundromats and the smell of soap and linen.