Larchsong [VNC]



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info




do not draw, will be redesigned




i. overview

ageyoung adult [14 moons]

identitydfab [she/her]

ranking--clan warrior

loyaltyher clan [85%]


ii. character

Larchsong is a small, sleek molly with a rather dainty figure and short but fluffy, brown tabby fur and large, turquoise eyes.

From birth, Larchkit is a jumpy, almost permanently frightened creature, and appears to be perpetually nervous and tense no matter what it is doing or where it is, so there are rarely times when they truly wind down and barely relax. She hardly dares to run around outside alone, despite her innate curiosity, and rarely leaves the nursery on her own to explore the camp, but when she does, she really enjoys it. Well, until something scares her to the bone and she rushes back to the nursery as quickly as lightning and doesn't go out again for the next few days. Just a sudden noise or a strange movement between a few bushes and she jumps. This is often used by others, especially boys, to tease her, even if she has no idea about it. This is all supported by her somewhat overactive imagination and by the numerous scary stories and terrible creatures that she has either heard about from other cats or that she has made up herself. However, she is also very gullible and naive, so she usually believes everything she is told without really questioning it. Because of this, she is incredibly afraid of the dark and of loud, sudden noises, such as thunder, and can hardly sleep alone, so she always needs her family around her or she gets nightmares.

But she also noticeably holds back towards other, strange cats and prefers to peek out from behind her parents with wide eyes rather than openly confront them. Cats that are visibly larger than her in particular frighten her and often even cause her to run away. In general, she can hardly talk to others and has difficulty speaking and expressing herself properly because of her nervousness. You could describe her head as practically blank in such situations. She often starts to stutter, to her embarrassment, and then gives up her plan in a hurry. Because of such incidents, she tends to speak little and not say more than is necessary.

But despite her deeply integrated shyness, which means she can hardly approach others on her own, and her peculiarities, it is not difficult for her to find a few close friends over the course of her life, who are usually just as close to her, thanks to her friendly, mostly unbiased nature stand like their own family. On the other hand, she can't stand physical contact with strangers at all, so much so that a cold shiver runs down her spine from reluctance, and even so she's never particularly keen on making new acquaintances. Therefore, she always keeps a certain distance from other cats and is careful not to touch anyone directly, even if she doesn't always succeed, but she also doesn't have enough self-confidence to ask someone to stay away. The only cats that she really enjoys staying by and with whom she often cuddles are her family members and her joy. It's the only way she can really switch off her hyperactive nervousness and calm down and relax. With these cats, however, she doesn't really have a concept of private space and although she naturally keeps her distance when you tell her to, she doesn't really understand why.

iii. background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

iv. plotting

yes   friends, enemies, frenemies, crushes, parental figures

???   any general or specific plots

no   ships, endgame romance


Plotting is OPEN. CLOSED.
contact: dms

v. relationships

relationship category
Name pn/pn
"short line here"