Eliza Ilmatar



6 years, 1 month ago


Age: 27

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 4

Height: 5'4

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Short curly light brown hair that always looks messy. Large grey-blue eyes. Pale skin. Short. Wears loose clothes, light blouses. Chapped/bitten dry lips. 

Song: Do You Want To Fight Me? - Venus Hum

Headstrong, opinionated, gets annoyed when people stand in her way. Easily irritated and flighty. Stands up for others, but sometimes speaks over them.Can’t be alone for long. Brash and funny, often makes inappropriate jokes. Will get very fierce when standing up for others. Doesn’t listen when told what to do. Overestimates her strength. Very over confident, and thinks shes stronger than she is but at the same time her ego isn't big?? she just pretends to be so she can hide her insecurities, she can get easily irritated or angry, doesn't listen to authority, tends to "leap before she looks". She doesn't really like being alone either, and is fiercely protective of her partners (Veronica and steven). (she does have a sense of humour though, especially inappropriate jokes and "bragging")