πŸ‡ Sakuta



1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Sakuta Furukawa ( 叀川咲ε€ͺ )
Nickname/s: Sakura, Grape, Sakkun, Saku-Tan, purple-head
Species: human
Gender: male (any pronouns - usually uses he/him)
Age: 16
Height: 169cm
Unit: none
Voice claim: Ryohei Kimura
Favourite food:Β Cookies (specifically the likes of Hello Panda)
Favourite colour: Pink

design stuff:
- mole on each cheek (pretty much symmetrical)
- lighter strands of hair on either side of his face
- eyebrows are a little chunky and a bit darker than the rest of his hair (usually they get covered by it)
- piercings only in left ear
- paints his nails pink
- has a little 'fang' on the left side, but not on the right
- long eyelashes
- wears a lot of muted pinks and browns (usually fluffy/oversized sweatshirts)
- wears the first year uniform for Yumenosaki (red tie) with a pink hoodie under the blazer
- wears the first year gym clothes for Yumenosaki (red) - jacket and sweats are oversized; he rolls up the pants and sometimes the sleeves too. He also wears a hairband with this outfit, which reveals his forehead

- first year idol course at Yumenosaki
- inexperienced, so he's not in an active unit (currently)
- weakest point is his singing, his acting is also pretty stiff
- likes breakdance and acrobatics (trained as a gymnast from a young age so he's flexible and agile)
- 4star in future shuffle unit FruitΓ—Salad (just kidding.. unless..?)
- would likely shine most as a lead dancer as opposed to singer
- memorises and teaches himself the choreo used by popular units to practice his own dancing (his favourites are Eden, but he has a hard time keeping up)

other stuff:
- grapes
- loves cats - he has a bag of treats with him all the time in case he sees one
- works part-time as he's not made a name for himself in the idol industry yet
- if the practice room isn't free he finds a quiet spot outside instead
- does not crush easily but when he falls for someone he falls hard
- cuddly; loves to hug and be hugged by his friends (he gets described as being a 'human-sized teddy bear')
- almost always smiling and pushing optimism onto others but when something bad happens to him he becomes pessimistic and reserved (most of the time he cheers up later/the next day on his own)
- likes sewing but hates designing (he's no good at it)
- plays games on his phone a lot
- collects plushies (probably owns nuis of popular idols too)