


6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Sahara Kami










I wrote a lot for him and then accidently went back a page and lost it all-- I was really feeling it too, aaaaaaaah! This is why you don't drink tea in a clunky mug over what you're doing. Now I'll have to settle for this more brain-dead version of his story and you will too- sorry.


Sahara is incredibly wary. It's very rare for him to outwardly trust others and if he does, he's most likely doing it to have them let their guard down. He has a tendency to trust those who don't belong to any religion or belief in fear that he'll be tracked down to his roots in his current life. He thirsts for knowledge even though he has a hard time retaining things, and will do his best to be above others in that department. Even if he isn't, he tries to signal that he knows more than he does. He isn't completely apathetic to others' issues, but rather prioritizes his own. Despite all of this, it's easy to bring him down a peg, and he is quick to get nervous if he believes anyone knows more than they should about him. He only confronts things that have a big impact on him and will brush off anything else. His anger is rooted to his family more than anything else.

Sahara is a reincarnation of the many lives before him. In this life, he was born to a priestess of a stern religion. He lived a life of modesty, lavish, and naivety until he reached his mid-teens, the point when he started to see glimpses of a dead past.

As the broken memories only showed under special circumstances, he told his family of them when they started to happen more frequently. Thinking they were daydreams of things he had never thought of before, he sought divine answers from his mother, the priestess. Upon hearing of his flashbacks, she silenced him and told him to never speak of them again. Unbeknownst to him, his mother started to convince the rest of the family that a demon had taken over the body of her spawn to convert them into paganism. The memories he told her could be proven true even though the events he spoke of happened before his birth, but the religion did not believe in reincarnation, and didn't know what to do with this strange occurrence of his.

From that point, he grew further from his family for reasons unknown until his eighteenth birthday. That was the day the whole town noticed him. They gifted him the best of their food, spoils, and jewelry, and attended a grand feast at the end of the night in his name, dressed as if they were all there for worship. Everything was different for a change, better up until midnight.

When midnight struck, Sahara woke to a sharp pressure on his abdomen. His family stood around him and his mother was in position to plunge a blade through his body. That was when the flashbacks surfaced again.

The whole ordeal of his escape was a blur. All he could remember was seeing vivid memories for the first time in his life. Broken pieces came together and showed him people bearing the insignia of his religion. These people kidnapped, tortured, and killed, and he saw it all through someone else's eyes, the eyes of someone who no longer existed.

By the time he regained his senses, it was sunrise and he was already miles away from his village. To his relief, he only adorned flesh wounds but had collapsed. Although he wasn't always sure of his purpose or why he recalled memories of others' pasts, he started to believe he had a bigger part in all of this. By the way he winced at the new memories, that purpose could only be to lay the religion down with the dust.

+He's learned that he has more flashbacks when he's under intense stress, fear, or pain. Knowing this, he often self-induces those things to find more answers.
+He currently resides far from his birthplace, in an overpopulated desert city where he is rarely ever anyone's main focus.
+His name was given to himself after his escape from his family. When traveling to the desert city, he came across a ransacked caravan with few supplies and a couple of corpses. He searched one of them to find a family heirloom that had the traveler's name on it, Sahara Kami, and he took it.
+He's also learned that he has the ability of seeing the past lives of others, and will use it to make side cash only if visiting someplace he knows he won't return to.
+His main source of income comes from being a basket weaver, though he weaves other things such as hats, floor mats, tapestry, etc. He's very skilled in his craft.
+He's still having difficulties with managing the things he learns of his past lives.