Liriann 🌿



1 year, 5 months ago


Name Liriann

Called Liriann, Liri

Gender Female Doll

Pronouns She/Her

Age 500+

Species Life Kemuchii

HTML Pinky

Theme Washing Machine Heart


"You promised us an eternity Miko! Whatever happened to that?!

A Life Kemuchii who once participated in the Third Gaidinian War, but now she seeks a quiet life free from conflict. Liriann spends a lot of her time at home, caring for her abundance of plants and helping any small animals that might require it.

As a Life Kemuchiii, her physical existance is thanks to the Life Diety Ania. At the beginning she followed orders and did as Ania thought to be right, but quickly began to disgaree with her creator. She will still conduct her duties as necessary, but nowadays she generally despises Ania. Despite trying her hardest to adjust to the a simpler life during this quiet era in time, she often finds herself reminiscing of time gone by. Liriann was once gravely injured in a battle and had to be patched up by the Master Dollmaker. She did opt to have her cracks filled with gold as opposed to fully repaired. To her, this serves as a memory of a pivotal moment in her life.



Like 1 Watching the sunrise and sunset, it brings a comforting feeling.

Like 2 Giving small injured creatures another chance at life.

Like 3 Alone time, to be with her thoughts and help understand emotions.

Like 4 Trying new flavours of tea, it's very relaxing!


Dislikes 1 Conflict, she's lived through enough and simply wants peace.

Dislikes 2 Bitter tastes, such as coffee. Simply not to her taste.

Dislikes 3 Ania. How can the Life Deity be so cruel and heartless? How could Liriann agree with such horrible methods?

Dislikes 4 Technology, she still hasn't quite got the hang of it yet.


Height 5'9 / 175cm

Build Slender, balancing on spiked 'feet'

Eyes Multi (Green, Blue, Orange)

Skin Tone Pale with Pastel Rainbow Features

Hair Color Pale Pink

Hair Style Long, straight, flowing

Demeanor Apprehensive


  • Always has golden accessories on her tail and ears.
  • Cracked gold on her chest is post-fight with Kimiko, earlier art to been drawn without.
  • Arrow shaped mirrors on her forehead.
  • Two black lines on either cheek.
  • Has a quick, yet hard-hitting battle style. Wields a lance.



Early Life

Liriann had always been fascinated by the world beyond her ethereal form. As a spirit, she roamed the vast expanses of Gaidinia, exploring the mysteries of the lands and seeking out new experiences. It was during one of her travels that she met Kimiko, another spirit who shared her thirst for adventure and discovery. The two of them quickly bonded and had become inseparable, bound by a bond that transcended the limits of their immaterial existence.

Their shared love of exploration and each other eventually led them to the world of mortals, where they were granted "doll-like" human bodies by their respective deities through the Master Dollmaker. Liriann, who had always been drawn to the beauty of life, was approached by the Life Deity, Ania, while Kimiko, who had a fascination with the afterlife and circle of life, had pledged her allegiance to the Death Deity, Kithos. Despite their ideological differences, Liriann and Kimiko remained close friends, promising to never abandon each other in their newfound physical forms. However, their relationship was put to the test when they found themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that threatened to tear their land apart.

Liriann, who had always believed in the sanctity of life, fought for the preservation of her world and the beings that inhabited it. Kimiko, on the other hand, believed that death was a natural part of life and that it was necessary for the cycle of existence to continue. Their opposing ideologies ultimately led to a violent confrontation that left Liriann with a severe injury. Kimiko had dealt a near-lethal blow to Liriann's chest, cracking her doll-like body in several places. Liriann was forced to retreat to the safety of other Life Kemuchiis, where she was returned to the Master Dollmaker and her damaged body was repaired with gold.

Later Life

The experience left Liriann disillusioned with her deity Ania and the rigid beliefs that it espoused. She began to question the morality of her actions and the actions of her fellow followers, realizing that there was more to life than blind obedience to a higher power. Despite her reservations, Liriann continued to fulfill her duties as a follower of the Life Deity, although her heart was no longer fully committed to the cause. Instead, she found solace in a quiet life, tending to her plants, and helping the animals that crossed her path.

As an old spirit, Liriann had seen and experienced more than most mortals could ever imagine. She had fought in the Third Gaidinian War, a vicious conflict that had left countless lives shattered in its wake. Although she had emerged from the battles alive, Liriann had been forever changed by the horrors of war and the realization that even the most noble of causes could have devastating consequences.

Now, in the twilight of her existence, Liriann longed for a world free from conflict and strife, where beings of all kinds could coexist in harmony. Although she knew that such a world was a mere fantasy, she continued to dream of a better future, one where the divisions that had driven her and Kimiko apart would no longer exist.




Ex-Romantic Partner

Best friends whilst wandering the world as spirits, and became lovers after recieving their bodies from the Dollmaker. They had a beautiful, yet rocky romance that led to a battle over conflicting Kemuchii ideals, the results of this battle left Liriann partially broken. She chose to fill the cracks with gold, to never forget that moment.




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