


1 year, 4 months ago


Hirose Koito, male, 21 years old, 179 cm tall, recently bisexual

Manager of the accounting department at OCULUS INC. Gained the position immediately after graduating from university due to his father being the current COO of the company. Does his best to uphold his family's reputation at the workplace by being very strict and thorough with his work; something that many find irritating due to his young age and superiority complex

When he's not bitching at you or running errands for his father he can be found tending to the office plants or doing something on his phone in the cafeteria while ignoring everyone else or brushing them off in a less than polite manner. How he manages to get his actual work done when he spends most of his time doing that is a mystery to most; the answer to which being copious amounts of caffeine and a time crunch during overtime

Typically does not get along well with his coworkers bar a very small minority who somehow manage to tolerate his personality enough to see past his rough exterior. He does not do well in casual situations and can act very awkward and avoidant around people he does not know. Often looks down on others due to viewing them as lesser for not having a high enough income or, according to him, making unwise career decisions (A critique which many brush off due to his own upbringing and current life choices)

Has a severe gambling addiction. Due to never having to worry about money in his life is very prone to betting a lot of it at casinos or whaling in gacha games. Usually has to have other people keep him in check so he doesn't go on another spending spree and buy trivial things or shill a lot of money on mobile games

His obsession with gacha is so severe that he often stays up late hours playing various rhythm games on his phone; only to survive solely on coffee during the day

Was brought up in a rich but strict family, so has had a lot of traditional values influence his behaviors up into adulthood. Often stresses due to his family having a lot of expectations for him -- ones that he's often unable to fulfill. The main point of conflict at his household is his father's very oppressive ideas of what his son should be in his life as well as his stepmother's indifference towards him

Has a very messy personal life. Does not have many friends outside of work. Has dated many women; relationships with whom never lasted longer than 3 months due to most of them dating him for his money (which he is still very much oblivious to) as well as his lack of experience in maintaining a relationship (His approach to one always seems to be simply taking them out on dates and giving them expensive presents expecting love in return). Would often complain about his relationships failing since his family expects him to marry soon and he doesn't know what to do

Often blows off steam at an arcade center at a mall near his workplace. Very fond or rhythm games such as maimai and DDR. Hates when the visitors there recognize him

Is currently dating Naru, feels like he's the only person that Koito can truly be open around, although is occasionally still awkward around him due to his inexperience in having a proper romantic relationship